
Copyright Status

Many of the digital resources here were created from public domain materials - that is, materials not protected by copyright. However, in many other cases the materials are still within copyright and the owners have only granted permissions for access and preservation. This is the case for many modern materials, including artworks, newspapers, books, oral histories, journals, and more.

Additionally, there are many materials for cases where the rights holder and status was not clear, and so the contributing institution followed normal due diligence to locate the rights holder and, finding none, digitized the materials for access and preservation with a note for any rights holder, if found, to contact the institution. Also, a number of materials have been digitized from the US for creation and presentation as part of a new work, supported as a transformative creation of works under US copyright.

For questions on the status of any materials or for more information on any procedures, please contact us.

Fair Use

Unless additional restrictions are noted, copyrighted electronic materials in this collection may be used for research, instruction, and private study under the provisions of Fair Use.  Fair Use is a provision of United States Copyright Law (United States Code, Title 17, section 107) which allows limited use of copyrighted materials under certain conditions.  The text for Fair Use, current as of December 2011, is:

§107 · Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

Under Fair Use you may view, print, photocopy, and download images from this site without prior permission, provided that you provide proper attribution of the source on all copies.

For other uses, including but not limited to display, publication and commercial use, permission of the copyright holder must be obtained.

Attribution of Source

Citations, quotations, and use of images, multi-media or other data in these collections made under Fair Use or with permission of the copyright holder must acknowledge their source.

Proper attribution should include at least:

  • Title/Name of the resource
  • URL of the resource (listed in the citation as the permanent link), or the URL of the collection where the resource can be found 
  • Name of the holding institution

Attribution elements may be found in the "Citation" view, available for every item.

For materials in the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), please include this in the citation:

Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC),

Citations in a CV

Author/creator materials that have been contributed to the digital collections for permanent preservation and access support scholarly and public discourse and so should be include in CVs and other materials that document contributions. Citation of contributed materials in a CV should include the same information as a standard citation for attribution. For a CV, the citation format should follow the style standard in use.

Depending on the type of material contributed, there may be an existing standard category where these citations can be listed. Often enough, these will be listed within a section like "Creative Works or Activities" with a short description and then the contributed materials. Also, these are frequently listed under a section within publications, often "Miscellaneous" or "Non-refereed" depending on the resources.

Typical information for listing author/creator contributed materials includes:

Author name(s). Title/name of resource. Digital Collection/Library (e.g., Digital Library of the Caribbean, UF Digital Collections, etc.). Publisher (institution through which the material is published, which may be the George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida). Publication date listed in citation for the resource. URL of the resource.

Possible example:

Sullivan, Mark V. "Data within University of Florida Digital Collections." UF Digital Collections. George A. Smathers Libraries. 2011. <>.

Permission for Use

Users assume all liability for copyright infringement and are advised to contact the Holding Location for copyright information and permission to use the electronic versions.  Permission must be obtained for display, publication, commercial use, or any other use of the digital materials in these collections except as allowed under Fair Use.

The Holding Location is noted in the "Citation" view of any item. Exact copyright information can be found by contacting us regarding any item in question.

Bibliographic Records - Public Domain

Bibliographic Records

All bibliographic records are open - the data is fully available for download and use under the terms of Creative Commons CC0.

All bibliographic records (for digital and analog materials) by the University of Florida are available for bulk download.

Florida Geological Survey Publications

All Florida Geological Survey (FGS) Publications are available for use under the terms of Creative Commons CC0.


Clear Restrictions

Users interested in University of Florida Athletic images post 1992 will need to contact the University Athletic Association.

Many publishers and authors have granted Internet Distribution Permissions that restrict commercial and profit uses. For any commerical or profit-based uses, please contact us to research permissions.

Permissions Overview

The SobekCM system - here powering the University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC), the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), and many other digital collections - holds digital resources made from source materials contributed by libraries, archives and museums of the University of Florida and its many partner institutions.

Many of the digital resources were created from public domain materials - that is, materials not protected by copyright. However, in many other cases the materials are still within copyright and the owners have only granted permissions to the University of Florida for Internet Distribution. Moral, cultural heritage, and other rights may be present in addition to copyright. Copyright laws vary by country and type of material, so the information here cannot address the complexity of the law. Users are responsible for respecting all copyright restrictions.

Fair Use is explicitly supported and encouraged for materials. As with all uses within Fair Use, proper citation/attribution should be included.

Proper attribution should include sufficient information for someone else to identify and locate the resource (e.g.; title and permanent link) and to identify the source institution (listed in the "citation" tab).

Before using any materials for uses other than those expressly permitted by Fair Use, please contact us.

Librarian Resources and Referencing SobekCM

For standardized templates for responses on requests to items in the public domain and other template/model responses, please see the Draft Example Text for Curator Email Responses to External Questions.

For standardized referencing of collections or materials in SobekCM, please use (and modify as needed) the following text samples for UFDC or dLOC:

UF Digital Collections (UFDC)
The materials and collections are hosted by the University of Florida Digital Collections. The functionalities and features of the UF Digital Collections are supported using the UF‐developed SobekCM software. SobekCM is released as open source software under the GNU GPL license and can be downloaded from the SobekCM Software Download Site:  To learn more about the technologies, please visit the SobekCM page:  

Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)
The materials and collections are hosted by the Digital Library of the Caribbean. The functionalities and features of the Digital Library of the Caribbean are supported using the University of Florida‐developed SobekCM software. SobekCM is released as open source software under the GNU GPL license and can be downloaded from the SobekCM Software Download Site:  To learn more about the technologies, please visit the SobekCM page:  

An image for SobekCM is also available.