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SobekCM METS Editor >> Batch Processes >> Spreadsheet or CSV File

Batch Processing from Spreadsheet or CSV File


Batch processing allows the data from a spreadsheet or comma-seperated value (CSV) file to create METS files. The top row (or line) of each input file must be a header row which contains the names of each column. These columns should be named in english if possible, as the mappings often may be auto-generated in this case.

The processor will step through each of the remaining rows (or lines) in the input files and will create a METS file with all of the data from those files.

Process Instructions

Selecting the first option ( Import from Excel or CSV File ) from the Batching Menu will launch the form:

Figure 1: Spreadsheet Batch Processor Form

Select either an excel spreadsheet or a CSV file as the input file. Then, you will be prompted to select the worksheet within the workbook to import. If you selected a CSV file, there will only be one sheet (named 'Sheet 1') which you must select.

Once you select the sheet, the column names will be read from the first row in the input file, and any automatic mappings will be applied.

Figure 2: Spreadsheet Batch Processor Column Mapping

You will want to verify the mappings and correct any mappings which were incorrect.

You may also enter up to eight constants from the second tab under step 3.

Figure 3: Spreadsheet Batch Processor Constants

If you do not have any column mapped to Material Type, you will need to select a value from the drop down.

If you do not have a column mapped to BibID, you will also need to enter a value for the first bibid to be used as the ObjectID in the resulting METS files. The value you enter must adhere to the SobekCM BibID rules.

SobekCM Bibliographic Identifier (BibID) Rules

The BibID is a ten digit alphanumeric identifier used for SobekCM libraries which begins with at least two characters and ends with at least four numbers. Whatever you enter will be the beginning of the final BibID's, which also act as part of the ObjectID for the METS files.

If you enter a string less than 10 characters long, this will be the prefix. For example, entering 'ca008' will cause the first BibID assigned to be 'CA00800000', the second 'CA00800001', the third 'CA00800002', etc..

Entering a full BibID, such as 'MANIOC0123' will break the item into two parts and compute each BibID from the provided BibID. For example, entering 'MANIOC0123' will cause the first BibID assigned to be 'MANIOC0123', the second 'MANIOC0124', the third MANIOC0125', etc..

Press the EXECUTE button once you are ready to proceed.

Process Description

Once the process is initiated, the processor will step through each row in your input file and perform the following steps:

  1. Read the row of data from your input file
  2. Input this data into a new METS object
  3. Apply all the constants from the processor form
  4. If no source institution code or source institution statement was included yet, the defaults from your metadata preferences are applied.
  5. METS file is written to your destination folder

Since most of your defaults are not included in the resulting metadata files, you will want to include these values in your input file.

Once complete, some very simple information will be displayed in the results form, including the newly assigned Bibliographic Identifier (BibID) and Volume ID (VID) which combine to form the METS ObjectID's.

Figure 4: Spreadsheet Batch Processor Results Form

If your input file was an excel spreadsheet, a new worksheet named OUTPUT will be added to the workbook, which includes all the original fields as well as two new columns with the new BibID and VIDs.

Figure 5: New Output Sheet in Excel File

If your input file was a CSV file, another file will be written ending with '_output' that will contain these two new columns.