![]() User Help
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Static Browse and Info PagesGeneral ConceptStatic browse and information pages under an item aggregation allow static html to be displayed within the context of a single item aggregation. The html source files for these appear in the item aggregation design folder. Browse pages appear as a tab in the list of different collection views, while information pages are somewhat hidden, and must be linked to either from a browse page or the home page of the item aggregation. When used in conjunction with the item aggregation configuration file, multiple languages can be supported for browse and info pages. For static info and browse files to be indexable by search engine robots, they must appear in the item configuraiton XML file. Linking to Browse and Info PagesTo link to an item aggregation browse or info page from another page in this library, the URL query must be written in SobekCM syntax. To do this correctly, the BASEURL and aggregation code should be included, and either the <%?URLOPTS%> or <%&URLOPTS%> should also be included to ensure users do not lose some of their basic options, such as web skin and user language. So, a complete link to a browse page with code partners for an aggregation abc will look like: <a href="<%BASEURL%>AGGREGATIONCODE/partners<%?URLOPTS%>" >Partners Browse</a> The html to link to an info page with code help for aggregation default will look like: <a href="<%BASEURL%>default/help<%?URLOPTS%>" >Help Info</a> Directory and StructureWhile the item aggregation configuration file is recommended for these, the source files can be found during a directory scan if they are placed in the appropriate folders under the item aggregation html subfolder. For example, the browse files should end in either .html or .htm and be in the http://sobekrepository.org/design/[AggregationCode]/html/browse subfolder while the info pages should be under the design/[AggregationCode]/html/info subfolder. An item aggregation configuration file (XML) defines all browse and info pages, and specifies their location. If an item aggregation configuration file is used, then the browse and info files can be placed anywhere under the item aggregation design folder. Source File HeaderWithin the source files files, the following meta tags can exist in the header: <meta name="banner" content="<%BASEURL%>design/aggregations/dloc/html/info/exhibitbanner.gif" /> These values will be read from within the <head> tag using an XML reader. The following additional tags are also read:
If no title is found in either the <meta name="title" /> or the <title> tag, then the grey box under the banner will not be included either. SobekCM Directive KeywordsSeveral special directive keywords can be placed in the body of the source html file. These keywords will be replaced during runtime by the web application. Think of these as SobekCM-specific server side includes.
Text Indexing( Pending Additional Development ) When the text indexes are built for a collection, the info and browse pages for collections and subcollections under the group will be indexed. The full text will be the full text of the browse (with an attempt to remove all html tags) and the values in the meta tags will be used for the appropriate metadata fields. These will appear in the result sets, just like other items. |