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Code Details >> Resource_Object Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object Namespace

Contains all the data objects to hold the administrative, bibliographic, file, and structural information from a METS/MODS file as well as behavior information from the database for a single digital resource


Contains all the SobekCM-specific behaviorts and processing instructions for a digital resource, as well as all SobekCM-specific data for a digital resource (i.e., primary key, location on servers, etc..)
Contains all of the standards (MODS/MARC) bibliographic information for a digital resource, generally held in a structured format that mirrors the MODS schema
Builder classes to construct a digital resource from the tracking database, imported marc records, project-level mets files, etc..
Configuration information determines which classes are used to read and write metadata files and also which classes are used to read and write sections within the METS file structure.
Contains the database information for saving a single item to various databases ( Tracking, SobekCM/UFDC, dLOC Toolkit )
Contains strongly-typed datasets used during retrieval of data from the SobekCM database
Contains both the structural information as well as all the files
Contains all of the MARC record-related classes and objects, both used when reading a MARC record and writing a digital resource as a MARC record
Classes used for reporting and handling errors and warnings which occur during MARC record importing
Parsers used to read MARC21 format data files
Contains all the classes used to read various formats into this digital resource ( i.e., SGML reader, MXF reader, MARC XML reader, METS/MODS reader...)
Standard metadata modules used to extend the basic capability of the SobekCM_Item object to support different schemas at each level of the structure map and METS
Contains the EAD-specific data, most particularly, the container list for an EAD
Geo-spatial specific metadata modules classes used to encoding geographic footpring in GML and KML within the METS file
IEEE-LOM specific metadata moduels for encoding additional learning object metatada within the METS file
Contains the information tagged to an ephemeral cities map from the authority tables [DEPRECATED?]
Classes used to store VRA Core specific visual material information about a digital resource.
Subreaders used to read a section of metadata encoded in a variety of formats
Namespace contains all of the readers and writers for working with OAI-PMH. The writers allow complete customization of the OAI-PMH formats supported (along with the configuration file) and the readers can be used to read standard OAI-PMH and create METS-based digital resources for loading into SobekCM (or other) repositories.
Contains classes used for harvesting OAI-PMH feeds and converting OAI dublin core into SobekCM METS files.
Contains classes used for harvesting OAI-PMH feeds and converting OAI dublin core into SobekCM METS files.
Classes used to expose the metadata and full-text to Solr/Lucene for indexing
Class used to build a fairly complete test package for testing reading and writing new metadata elements
Contains the classes used to hold tracking database specific data for a digital resource (i.e., tracking primary key, archive and history information)
Utility classes used to perform duties, such as creating image derivates, validating the METS, etc..


Public classBibliographic_Mapping
This object allows data to be dynamically mapped to the correct fields in a Bibliographic Package.
Public classDownload_Info_DEPRECATED
Stores the information about a single download associated with a digital resource
Public classGeneric_Reader
Generic reader reads a metadata file by selecting the correct reader for the format.
Public classMARC_HTML_Writer
Class is used to write the information about a digital resource in MARC21 format
Public classMetadataDescribableBase
Base class is used for any object that can be describable with either the default bibliographic information, or a dictionary of bib objects
Public classMETS_Header_Info
Stores information specific to the creation of the METS format XML for this resource. This data is generally found within the METS header of a resulting METS file.
Public classSobekCM_Item
Main object represents a single digital resource including all the metadata, divisions, and files.
Public classUnanalyzed_METS_Section
Class holds the information for a secion from the METS file ( specifically, a dmdSec or amdSec ) which was not recognized and remains unanalyzed. This section is retained in case the METS file is written again, to preserve the unanalyzable information
Public classWeb_Info
Class holds temporary values and web-specific values which assist with optimizing the display of a resource within the SobekCM web application
Public classXML_Node_Base_Type
Helper base class which keeps tracking id the XML ID and assists in formatting the ID in special ways to signify that a field is user-entered
Public classXML_Writing_Base_Type
Helper base class to assist with writing data in XML


Public interfaceiMetadataDescribable
Base interface for all elements of the METS hierarchy that can have metadata sections associated with it


Public delegateNew_SobekCM_Bib_Package_Progress
Progress delegate used for general progress updates in this library
Public delegateNew_SobekCM_Bib_Package_Progress_Task_Group
Progress delegate used for general progress updates in this library


Public enumerationMapped_Fields
Enumeration is used to map to certain values in the SobekCM_Item.
Public enumerationMETS_Record_Status
Enumeration of the different possible METS record status

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )