User Help  Publications, Presentations, and Trainings
Publications, Presentations &Trainings
Selected recent publications, presentations, and trainings on the UF Digital Collections, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), and related digital collections and scholarship projects are listed below.
For more information, see:
Publications, Presentations &Trainings
- January 2015
- Rosenberg, Leah. (2015). "Teaching using digital textual scholarship in the classroom." Modern Language Association Convention. Vancouver, Canada: Jan. 8-11, 2015
- 2014
- December 2014
- Santamaría-Wheeler, Lourdes. "Designing Banners for Digital Collections." UF Digital Collections and SobekCM Training Session. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Dec. 2, 2014.
- "Pioneering the Caribbean Digital
Researching and Teaching with the Digital Archive."
Donette Francis (University of Miami),
Leah Rosenberg (University of Florida),
Rhonda Cobham Sander (Amherst College).
Moderated by Kelly Baker Josephs (York College, CUNY). The Caribbean Digital Program:
The Caribbean Digital.
Barnard College | Columbia University: 4-5 December, 2014.
- "Building Digital Archives in the Caribbean – Librarians, Techies, and Scholars Required."
Brooke Wooldridge (Digital Library of the Caribbean).
Moderated by Kelly Baker Josephs (York College, CUNY). The Caribbean Digital Program:
The Caribbean Digital.
Barnard College | Columbia University: 4-5 December, 2014.
- November 2014
- Dinsmore, Chelsea. "Metadata." UF Digital Collections and SobekCM Training Session. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Nov. 19, 2014.
- October 2014
- Leah Rosenberg and Laurie N. Taylor. "The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) and Digital Humanities." Diaspora and the Digital Workshop, Diasporic Literary Archives. New Haven, CT: Yale, Oct. 23-4, 2014.
- Phillips, Mark; Taylor, Laurie N.; Dinsmore, Chelsea; Yellapantula, Suchitra. "Piloting a Peer-to-Peer PRocess for Becoming a Trusted Digital Repository." Digital Library Federation Forum. Atlanta, GA: Oct. 27-29, 2014.
- September 2014
- August 2014
- "Panama Silver, Asian Gold: Migration, Money, and the Making of the Modern Caribbean" DOCC course meeting, presentations, facilitated sessions,and workshops. Leah Rosenberg, Margarita Vargas-Betancourt, and Laurie Taylor (UF), Donette Francis (UM), Rhonda Cobham-Sander (Amherst College), and others to be listed. Amherst, MA: Amherst College, Aug. 19-20, 2014
- Panama Canal Centennial events, exhibits, speakers, and more; and drawing from and supporting the ongoing growth and engagement with the Panama Canal Digital Collection. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Aug. 15-17, 2014.
- July 2014
- Taylor, Laurie N. "UF Digital Collections & Communities: Collections, Technologies, Collaborations, & Leadership" (July 17-18, 2014) for NEH and University of Puerto Rico (UPR) Visit to UF for UF+UPR's Florida and Puerto Rico Newspaper Project: http://sobekrepository.org/UF00101360/00011/pdf
- June 2014
- May 2014
- Dinsmore, Chelsea. Webinar for ASERL: "The Ins and Outs of Digitizing a Center of Excellence Collection: How Two Different ASERL Libraries Made Their CoE Collections More Visible and Accessible" (May 29, 2014)
- April 2014
- THATCamp-Gainesville Presentations, Workshops, and Trainings (April 24-25, 2014)
- Sullivan, Mark V. dLOC Training in Haiti. (April 8-11, 2014)
- Taylor, Laurie N. Various Postings. Digital Humanities Day 2014
- March 2014
- November-December 2013
- Sullivan, Mark V., John Nemmers, and Laurie N. Taylor. "Training Series: Sobek / SobekCM for Curators and Collection Managers (detailed overview: http://sobekrepository.org/AA00019186/00001/pdf): Traing One-Four" live at UF and webinars. Nov. 14 - Dec. 19, 2013.
- November 2013
- Vargas-Betancourt, Margarita. (2013). “Finding the Silver Voice: Afro-Antilleans in the Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida.” 13th International Conference on Caribbean Literature (ICCL)—Panama in the Caribbean: The Caribbean in Panama. University of Panama, Panama City: http://www.dloc.com/IR00003593/00001
- Sullivan, Mark V. "Unearthing St. Augustine" at GIS Day 2013, UF: Nov. 20, 2013.
- Wooldridge, Brooke, Laurie N. Taylor, Judith C. Russell, and Lillian Guerra. "Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)." Workshop and Conference Presentation. THATCamp Caribe 2, Havana, Cuba: Nov. 3-7, 2014. http://www.dloc.com/AA00017957/00001/pdf and http://caribbean2013.thatcamp.org/2013/10/10/digital-library-of-the-caribbean-dloc-biblioteca-digital-del-caribe-dloc/
- September 2013
- August 2013
- July 2013
- June 2013
- "dLOC Partner Presentations." Presenters: dLOC Partners. Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) 2013 Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 6-10, 2013.
- "dLOC and the Caribbean Knowledge Commons: Online Tools for Digital Curation, myDLOC tools for adding new materials and myDLOC bookshelves and other user tools." Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge. Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) 2013 Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 12, 2013.
- "SobekCM for record collections for collaborative collection development and planning for the NEH French Pamphlet Planning Project." Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Mark Sullivan. French Pamphlet Project Planning Grant Team Meeting. Chicago, IL. June 24-26, 2013.
- May 2013
- "OHPi, BOB, and SobekCM for Oral Histories." Presenters/Discussants: Barbara Lewis, Richard Bernardy, Mark Sullivan, and Laurie N. Taylor. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida. May 6-7, 2013.
- Attending SALALM and supporting discussion of the Pernambuco Project, Phase I. Presenters/Discussants: Richard Phillips, Paul Losch, Brooke Wooldridge, and Laurie Taylor. Miami, FL: Florida International University and the University of Miami. May 17-22, 2013.
- "University of Florida Digital Collections and the UFDC Teacher Resources Collection." Presenters: Marilyn N. Ochoa, Principal Investigator/UF Education Library; April Hines, Project Team Member/UF Education Library
Bess de Farber, Facilitator/UF Grants Manager; Michelle Cates, Instructional Design Consultant; Helen Davis, Resource Development Consultant. County Representatives. West Palm Beach, FL. May 13, 2013.
- April 2013
- March 2013
- "Connecting Patrons to Digital Resources through GIS at the University of Florida, using SobekCM." Presenter: Mark Sullivan. FIU GIS Day: GeoHumanities: Drawing New Connections in Time & Space. Miami, FL: Florida International University. March 29, 2013.
- "A Map Through Time: Coral Gables Virtual History, using SobekCM/DPanther." Presenters: Jennifer Fu (Head, GIS Center & DCC FIU); Jamie Rogers (Assistant Director, Digital Collections Center, FIU); Boyuan Guan. FIU GIS Day: GeoHumanities: Drawing New Connections in Time & Space. Miami, FL: Florida International University. March 29, 2013.
- "Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) and Collaborative Digital Programs for Government Documents." Presenter: Brooke Wooldridge. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. March 25-27, 2013.
- "UNA Digital Learning Material Project" Training and Presentations. Presenter: Mark Sullivan. Curaçao: University of the Netherlands Antilles. March 20-22, 2013.
- February 2013
- January 2013
- December 3-4, 2012
- Collaboration meeting with FIU and FIU-Wolfsonian on geo-spatial additions to SobekCM and possible future granting opportunities. (Mark Sullivan and Suchi Yellapantula.
- INKE Birds-of-a-Feather Gathering: Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practices
Havana, Cuba, December 9-16, 2012
“The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC): Creating a Shared Research Foundation.” / “La Biblioteca Digital del Caribe (dLOC).”
Laurie Taylor, Digital Humanities Librarian, Digital Library Center, University of Florida
Margarita Vargas Betancourt, Caribbean Basin Librarian, University of Florida
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Program Director
ThatCamp Caribe
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, November 12-14, 2012
Digital Library of the Caribbean Workshop
Laurie Taylor, Digital Humanities Librarian, Digital Library Center, University of Florida
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Program Director
West Indian Literature Conference: Imagined Nations, 50 Years Later - Reflections on Independence and Federation in the Caribbean
Miami, FL, October 11-13, 2012
“Round Table: Publishing Projects Past, Present and Future: Bridging the Historical and Digital Divides”
Leah Rosenberg, University of Florida
SALALM: Popular Culture: Arts and Social Change in Latin America
St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, June 16-19, 2012
“Digital Library Representations of Popular Culture, and Relevance and Impact for Social Change”
Laurie Taylor, Digital Humanities Librarian, Digital Library Center, University of Florida
Gayle Williams, Latin American and Caribbean Information Resource Librarian, Florida International University
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Coordinator
ACURIL: 365 Doors Opened on the Technological Information Revolution
Petionville, Haiti, June 3-9, 2012
“The Promise of Digital Libraries Against the Perils of Erasure”
Laurie Taylor, Digital Humanities Librarian, Digital Library Center, University of Florida
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Coordinator
Poster Presentation: The Digital Library of the Caribbean Haiti Projects
Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler, Exhibits Coordinator, University of Florida
“Digital Library of the Caribbean – Haiti”
Fr. Andre Ernest Even, Director, FIC Library
Jean Wilfrid Bertrand, Director, National Archives of Haiti
Bernado Alexis, Head of Digitization, National Archives of Haiti
Fenton Charles, Digitization Technician, National Archives of Haiti
Marie France Guillaume, Library Assistant, FIC Library
Marie Cerette Lubin, Library Assistant, FIC Library
Caribbean Studies Association
Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, May 28 – June 1, 2012
“Bridging the Invisible Gap: Teaching the Caribbean to Heritage Learners”
Israel Alonso, Associate Director, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Miami
Liesl B. Picard, Associate Director, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Coordinator
Latin American Studies Association: Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America
San Francisco, California, May 23-26, 2012
“Disaster Response on the Cultural Front: Collaboration to Save the Cultural Heritage in the Wake of Earthquakes”
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Coordinator
Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars: The Caribbean, the Land and the People: Women’s Efforts, Women’s Lives
May 8-12, 2012
“The Digital Library of the Caribbean: A new model for collections”
Brooke Wooldridge, Digital Library of the Caribbean Coordinator
Selected Publications, Presentations & Trainings through Nov. 2012
- Lois J. Widmer, Laurie N. Taylor, and Mark V. Sullivan. "Florida Digital Newspaper Library: Library and Publisher Partnerships For Access and Preservation." Florida Libraries (Fall 2012: 55/2), 15-17.
- Rebecca Jefferson, Laurie N. Taylor, and Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler. “Digital Dreams: the Potential in a Pile of Old Jewish Newspapers.” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (2012: 24/3): <http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wacq20/current>.
- "Research Data Lifecycle Management: Tools and Guidelines" by Erik Deumens, Laurie N. Taylor, Rachel Schipper, Cecilia Botero, Rolando Garcia-Milian, Hannah Norton, Michele Tennant, Sophia Acord, and Chris Barnes. Workshop on Research Data Lifecycle Management (RDLM 2011), July 18-20, 2011; Princeton University; Princeton, NJ: 2011.
- Nemmers, Laura K. and Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler, “Advancing Digitization: Art and Technology,” in Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at Twenty Years: The Collection Catalogue, ed. Jason Steuber, Laura K. Nemmers, and Tracy E. Pfaff (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2010), 227-231.
- "Increasing Access to Agricultural Publications Using Digital Repositories and the Semantic Web" by Val Davis, Laurie Taylor, Stephen Williams, Dina Benson, Sara Russell Gonzalez, and Mark Sullivan. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Libraries. New Delhi, India: International Conference on Digital Libraries: 2010.
- "Managing an Open Access, Multi-Institutional, International Digital Library: the Digital Library of the Caribbean" (in Resource Sharing & Information Networks), by Brooke Wooldridge, Laurie Taylor, and Mark Sullivan, 2009.
- "Digital Library of the Caribbean : a User-centric Model for Technology Development in Collaborative Digitization Projects" (Invited paper to a Special issue of OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives), by Marilyn Ochoa and Mark Sullivan, 2009.
- "Open Access to Historic and Current Florida Newspapers and Other Resources at UF," (in the Florida Library Association News Digest), August 2009. (text)
- “Digitizing Museum Collections: The Elmer Harvey Bone Photographic Collection,” MA Thesis by Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, 2009
- "Usability Report for UFDC," by Marilyn Ochoa, Tom Minton, Dina Benson, Nathan Davies, Margeaux Johnson, and Missy Shoop (Clapp), 2009
- "Building a Digital Library of the Caribbean: Crossing Borders" (in Caribbean Libraries in the 21st Century), by Erich Kesse, Catherine M. Marsicek, and Judith V. Rogers, 2007
- "From the Air: the Photographic Record of Florida's Lands" (in OCLC Systems & Services), by Stephanie Haas, Erich Kesse, Mark Sullivan, Randall Renner, and Joe Aufmuth, 2005
- "Ephemeral Cities" (in RLG DigiNews) by Erich Kesse, 2004
2012 |
December 12 |
"The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC): Creating a Shared Research Foundation"
Presenters: Laurie Taylor, Brooke Wooldridge, and Margarita Vargas-Betancourt |
Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age: E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practices conference, Havana, Cuba. |
December 5 |
Digital Humanities Working Group Meeting (12-1:30pm) |
Pugh 210 |
November 12-14 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) discussion/workshop
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
THATCamp (The Humanities And Technology Camp) Caribe Conference, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico |
November 7 |
Digital Humanities Working Group Meeting (12-1:30pm) |
Pugh 210 |
October 30 |
Digital History and Digital Humanities
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
History Practicum Orientation Session (10:40-11:30), practicum theme is the early modern British Atlantic world |
October 24 |
Open Access Week: Publishing at UF: Using the Open Journal System
Presenters: Marilyn Ochoa (and TBA, may include Laurie Taylor and Dina Benson) |
Library West Info Commons |
October 24 |
Open Access Week: “Open Access isn’t Just for Scientists: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences“
Presenters: Sophia Acord and Laurie Taylor |
Library West Info Commons |
October 23 |
Open Access Week: Publishing at UF: Using the IR
Presenters: TBA, Dina Benson, and Laurie Taylor |
HSCL C2-41A |
October 11 |
Open Access and IR@UF Subject Collections
Presenters: Richard Saltzburg and Laurie Taylor |
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Arabic Division |
October 10 |
Digital Humanities Working Group Meeting (12-1:30pm) |
Pugh 210 |
October 10 |
Digital Libraries and Digital Scholarship
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Research for Anthropology (Prof. Richard Freeman; 10:40-11:30; LW211) |
October 2 |
Scholarly publication, Institutional Repositories, author permissions / rights
Presenter: Laurie Taylor. |
Africana Bibliography AFS 5061, sect. 1H83 (LW211; 9:35-10:25am) |
September 18 |
Data Management Brown Bag
Presenter: Dave Schwieder |
September 5 |
Digital Humanities Working Group Meeting (12-1:30pm) |
Pugh 210 |
September 4 |
Introduction to Library Resources (Digital and Physical) and to Digital History and Digital Humanities
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
History Practicum Orientation Session (Anderson 34; 10:40-11:30) |
August 28 |
Presentation of Concept and Process for UF Open Access Awards, Concept and Plan
Presenter: Laurie Taylor for the Scholarly Communications Working Group |
University Libraries Committee
August 23 |
“Use of an institutional repository to promote chemical sciences collections at the University of Florida” (final paper number: 141)
Presenters: Donna Wrublewski, Lois Widmer, Laurie Taylor, and Dina Benson |
“Use of an Institutional Repository to Promote Chemical Sciences Collections at the University of Florida.” Refereed presentation and poster presentation. Presented within the technical program of the 244th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Aug. 20 and Aug. 23, 2012.
<http://sobekrepository.org/AA00012153/00000/allvolumes2>. |
August 17 |
Department of History, Graduate Student Orientation
Presenters: Jim Cusick and Laurie Taylor |
Smathers Library, 1A |
July 24 |
Poster: International Collaborative Digital Stewardship and Preservation: A case study of the Florida and Caribbean Newspaper Digital Libraries
Presenters: Lois Widmer, Laurie Taylor, and Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Digital Preservation 2012 Conference (July 24-26, Washington DC, 2nd Annual NDIIPP-NDSA Digital Preservation Partners Meeting) |
July 18 |
Florida Digital Newspaper Library
Presenters: Lois Widmer, Laurie Taylor, Pat Reakes, and Colleen Seale |
Webinar for the Tampa Bay Library Consortium and Florida AskA Librarian |
July 16 |
Metadata Training (pilot session)
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Smathers Libraries |
July 14 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)
Tabling/Presenters: Richard Phillips and Laurie Taylor |
UF Caribbean students- 50th Anniversary of Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago Independence (Gainesville, FL) |
July 12 |
UF Digital Collections and Digital Library Center
Tour/presenters: Laurie Taylor |
UFDC/DLC Tour for visitors from FCLA/FVC-Gainesville |
June 16-19 |
Presentation: Digital Library Representations of Popular Culture, and Relevance and Impact for Social Change with the Digital Library of the Caribbean (Panel presentation proposal for SALALM LVII)
Presenters: Laurie N. Taylor, Gayle Williams, and Brooke Wooldridge |
SALALM. Port of Spain, Trinidad |
June 4-8 |
Presentation: Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
ACURIL. Pétion-ville, Haiti |
May 30-31 |
Core Concepts and Workflow Optimization for Digitization and Digital Curation
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Mark Sullivan |
Developing Robust Object to Image to Data (DROID) Workflows Workshop for Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) |
May 1 |
Planning and Managing Digital Projects
Presenters: John Nemmers and Mark Sullivan |
Society of Florida Archivists |
April 26 |
Presentation: Digital Humanities Introduction
Presenters: Sophia Acord and Laurie N. Taylor |
UF Interface + Digital Humanities Day |
April 26 |
Poster: UF Digital Collections & SobekCM, Open Source Software for Digital Scholarship
Presenters: Mark V. Sullivan, Laurie N. Taylor, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, and Gus Clifton |
UF Interface + Digital Humanities Day |
April 26 |
Poster: IR@UF
Presenters: Dina Benson and Matt Mariner |
UF Interface + Digital Humanities Day |
April 25 |
Roundtable Q&A with Members of the Research Computing Advisory - Data Lifecycle committee
Participant: Laurie N. Taylor |
UF Research Computing Day |
April 25 |
Poster: UF Digital Collections & SobekCM, Open Source Software for Digital Scholarship
Presenters: Mark V. Sullivan, Laurie N. Taylor, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, and Gus Clifton |
UF Research Computing Day |
April 19 |
Poster: Enhancing Online Access to Historic Aerial Photography of Florida
Presenters: Carol McAuliffe, Joe Aufmuth, and Laurie Taylor |
Florida Library Association Conference, 2012 |
March 23 |
Value and ROI: Partnering for Evidence-Based Decision Making
Presenters: Lois Widmer and Sujay Darji |
Computers in Libraries. Washington, DC |
February 20 |
Library Publishing Services
Presenters: Isabel Silver, Laurie Taylor, and Christine Ross |
1A |
February 9 |
Presenter: Mark Sullivan |
Chicago Document Consortium |
February 2 |
"Promoting UF Research, Collections, & Collection Materials with SEO and Wikipedia Writing/Editing"
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Dan Reboussin |
Library West 211 |
Jan. 31 - Feb. 3 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), presentation and training
Presenter: Mark Sullivan and Brooke Wooldridge |
Haiti, training sponsored by the Organization of American States, see training materials developed |
January 20 |
David Blakesley (Clemson University) "The Beginning of Books?"
Respondent: Laurie Taylor |
UF Digital Assembly Conference, "Digital Platforms and the Future of Books" January 20-21, UF, Smathers Library, Room 1A |
2011 |
December 16 |
"The University of Florida Digital Library Center & UF Digital Collections"
Presenters: Lois Widmer and Laurie Taylor |
Library Leadership Board Meeting |
December 14 |
Presenters: Dina Benson, Laurie Taylor, and Michael Howell |
Astronomy Department |
November 14 |
"Scholar-curated collections, hacking the archives, and UFDC Update"
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
UFDC Update and Digital Dialog |
November 10 |
Poster: "Assessing the Research Data Ecology of the University of Florida"
Presenters: Hannah Norton, Rolando Garcia-Milian, Michele Tennant, Laurie Taylor, and Erik Deumens |
Florida Genetics 2011 |
October 27 |
"Measuring Impact and Return on Investment for Digital Collections and Digital Humanities Projects"
"Collaboratively Supporting Undergraduate Research: the Journal of Undergraduate Research and the Libraries’ Digital Collections"
"Collaboratively Developing Open Access Digital Collections @ UF : The Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art & the Digital Library Center - Between the Beads : Reading African Beadwork"
Open Access Week Poster Session |
October 27 |
"Digital Scholarship / Institutional Repository" and "Open Peer Review" |
Open Access Week Roundtables |
October 21 |
Poster: "Measuring Impact and Return on Investment for Digital Collections and Digital Humanities Projects"
Presenter: Laurie Taylor, Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler, and Mark Sullivan |
FACRL Conference |
October 14 |
Poster: "Collaboratively Supporting Undergraduate Research: the Journal of Undergraduate Research and the Libraries’ Digital Collections"
Presenter: Laurie Taylor, Marilyn Ochoa, Donna Wrublewski, Dina Benson, Lourdes Santamaría-Wheeler, and Mark Sullivan |
Florida Statewide Student Research Symposium: Engagement in Undergraduate Research |
October 4 |
Scholarly publication, Institutional Repositories, author permissions/rights
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Africana Bibliography (AFS 5061) |
August 4 |
Presentation: "Virtual Tour of the University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC)"
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
NEFLIN, Webinar |
July 29 |
Presentation: A Casebook for Revitalizing Legacy Databases / Data Sets (SSLLI)
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Florida State Library & Archives |
July 18 |
Presentation on Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Report: Splashes and Ripples: Synthesizing the Evidence on the Impacts of Digital Resources and UF Digital Collections Update (UFDC-Update/Digital Dialog)
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
UF |
May 30-June 3 |
Poster: "METS Editor & Viewer Tool for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and More"
Presenter: Laurie Taylor and Mark Sullivan |
ACURIL Conference |
May 30-June 3 |
Presentation: "The role of digital libraries in the disaster preparedness and mitigation"
Presenter: Brooke Wooldridge and Laurie Taylor |
ACURIL Conference |
May 30-June 3 |
Presentation: "Digitization Is Not Enough: Digital Archiving for Disaster Preparedness"
Presenter: Mark Sullivan |
ACURIL Conference |
May 19 |
Presentation: "The Digital Library of the Caribbean: A New Model for Library Collaboration"
Presenters: Brooke Wooldridge |
Association of Caribbean Historians Conference |
May 10 |
Presentation: "The UF Digital Collections"
Presenters: Laurie Taylor |
Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere - Grant and Fellowship Writing in the Humanities |
May 6 |
Presentation: Save America's Treasures Grant for Flagler College maps collaborative with UF
Presenters: Leslee Keys (Flagler College), John Nemmers, John Freund, and Laurie Taylor |
Society of Florida Archivists Conference, St. Augustine |
May 4-7 |
Presentation: IMLS Library Publishing Services Grant Workshop (invited presentation)
Presenters: Isabel Silver and Laurie Taylor |
Georgia Tech |
May 5 |
Poster: METS Metadata Editor & Viewer Tool for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and More; 11am-12pm)
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Mark Sullivan |
Florida Library Association (FLA) Conference |
Apr. 20 |
Caribbean Studies Workshop: Digital Library of the Caribbean
Presenters: Brooke Wooldridge and Mark Sullivan |
University of Chicago |
Mar. 21 |
UFDC-Update/Digital Dialog
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
UF |
Feb. 16 |
Presentation: IR@UF
Presenter: Laurie Taylor
UF |
Jan. 21 |
Presentation: UF Digital Collections
Presenters: Mark Sullivan and Laurie Taylor
Aesthetic Computing (CAP 4403 and 6402; CSE 222) |
Jan. 9 |
Presentation: EAC
Presenters: Dina Benson / quick summary by Laurie Taylor
ALA Midwinter Conference |
2010 |
Dec. 20 |
UFDC-Update / Digital Dialog
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
UF |
Nov. 15 |
UFDC-Update / Digital Dialog
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
UF |
Nov. 15 |
Presenters: Randall Renner, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, and Laurie Taylor |
UF |
Nov. 11 |
Digital Military Newspaper Library: Online Exhibit for Veteran's Day
Exhibit Creator: Kaitlin Wilson |
UF |
Nov. 8 |
Mobile Services Webinar
Presenters: Mark Sullivan, Laurie Taylor, and James Taylor |
ASERL Webinar |
Oct. 29 |
IR and E-Serials - New Academic Library Services, Poster Presentation
Presenters: Laurie Taylor & Dan Reboussin |
Fall 2010 Conference, FACRL |
Oct. 18-24 |
Open Access Week & the Institutional Repository (IR@UF) |
UF |
Oct. 19-20 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean and the UF Libraries Cuban Collections: Online Exhibit
Creator: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
UF & Slideshow for Richard Phillips' presentation at the Key West Gator Club |
Oct. 7 |
IR@UF & the UF Digital Collections (PPT)
Presenters: Dina Benson and Laurie Taylor |
Marston Science Library, IDH3931 |
Oct. |
Book Arts: Online Exhibit
Curator support: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
UF |
Sept. |
Visiting UNESCO Fellow from UWI |
UF |
Sept. 1 |
Presentation for ART6933
Presenters: Dina Benson, Randall Renner, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, and Laurie Taylor |
UF |
Sept. |
Hispanic Heritage Month, the Digital Library of the Caribbean and the Latin American & Caribbean Collections in the UF Libraries: Online Exhibit
Creator: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Online slide show (PPT) |
Aug. 24 |
Mini Grant Workshop
Presenter: Dina Benson |
Library West |
Aug. 13 |
Advanced training for using the IR Self-Submittal Tool and UFDC's Online Metadata Editor
Presenters: Dina Benson and Stacey Ewing |
Library West, UF Libraries |
Aug. 5 |
DLC Tours for the Libraries' Faculty and Staff
Presenters: Laurie Taylor, Randall Renner, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, et. al. |
UF Libraries |
Aug. 4 |
Advanced training for using the IR Self-Submittal Tool and UFDC's Online Metadata Editor
Presenters: Dina Benson and Margeaux Johnson |
MSL, UF Libraries |
Aug. 3 |
DLC Tours for the Libraries' Faculty and Staff
Presenters: Laurie Taylor, Randall Renner, Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, et. al. |
UF Libraries |
Jul. 28 |
dLOC Presentation/Discussion
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
Florida International University |
Jul. 27 |
dLOC Presentation/Discussion
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
University of Miami |
Jul. 26 |
dLOC Training
Presenters: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, Laurie Taylor, Brooke Wooldridge |
HistoryMiami |
Jul. 26 |
Panel: Rebuilding Haiti’s and Chile’s Libraries
Presenter: Brooke Wooldridge, "Saving Haitian Cultural Patrimony after the Earthquake"
Moderator: Gayle Williams |
Jul. 20 |
New format & presentation slides for DLC tours in use |
Jul. 19 |
UFDC Enhancements (notes)
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Digital Dialog (UF) |
Jul. 7-8 |
Posters: Institutional Repository @UF; UF Open Access Publishing Fund; and Open Access Week 2009 at the University of Florida
Presenters: Dina Benson and Margeaux Johnson |
ACRL workshop: "Scholarly Communication 101: Starting with the Basics" (held at FSU) |
Jun. 23 |
The Digital Library of the Caribbean: Partners, Tools, and Facilitation Resources
Presenter: Laurie Taylor (slides) |
World Digital Library (WDL Meeting) |
Jun. 14 |
Preliminary Demo: METS Editor/Viewer with Metadata Import, Export and FDA Support
Presenter: Mark Sullivan (archived presentation) |
FDA Affiliates/SUL Webinar |
Jun. 8 |
Panel discussion: Organizing and Growing Digital Collections: dLOC themes, partners and projects (panel abstract)
Panelists and topics:
Applying emerging standards in developing a Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library - Laurie Taylor, University of Florida (slides)
Organizing and representing Thematic Collections through evidence-based practices - Judith Rogers, University of the Virgin Islands (slides and presentation notes)
Surveying best practices in disaster response - Protecting Haitian Patrimony Initiative - Brooke Wooldridge, Florida International University |
ACURIL Conference |
Jun. 8 |
Poster session: Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library: Disseminating and Preserving Records of Daily Life (abstract;poster)
Presenters: Brooke Wooldridge and Laurie Taylor (poster designed by Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler) |
ACURIL Conference |
Jun. 7 |
Workshop: Evidence-based development of techniques for the applied creation of metadata
Part I: Metadata research and application in the management of digital collections
Part II: Research on Metadata standards including Dublin Core, METS, MODS, VRA Core, and open-source metadata creation tools such as the dLOC toolkit
Presenters: Mark Sullivan (slides) and Laila Miletic-Vejzovic (slides) |
ACURIL Conference |
May 6 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean & the Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library (slidesand in dLOC)
Participants: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
TICFIA Conference |
Apr. 15 |
Video on the IR Self-Submittal Tool, supporting the Dean's presentation on Open Access
Video created and narrated by Dina Benson |
Faculty Senate |
Apr. 8 |
Using the Florida Digital Newspaper Library (Poster Session)
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Missy Clapp (poster designed by Matt Mariner) |
2010 Florida Library Association Conference |
Mar. 26 |
dLOC for The College of The Bahamas
Presenter: Mark Sullivan |
Webinar |
Mar. 26 |
The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) and the Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library
Presenters: Matt Loving, Mark Sullivan, and Laurie Taylor |
Feb. 26 |
“Increasing access to agricultural publications using digital repositories and the semantic web”
Presenter: Val Davis
Contributing authors: Laurie Taylor, Stephen Williams, Dina Benson, Sara Russell Gonzalez, and Mark Sullivan |
2nd International Conference on Digital Libraries |
Feb. 24 |
Demonstration of the UF Metadata Creation Tools for FDA-Affiliates (soon in UFDC)
Presenter: Mark Sullivan |
SUL Webinar |
Feb. 18 |
UF Digital Collection Self-Submittal and Metadata Editing for Library Faculty and Staff
Participants: Dina Benson and Laurie Taylor |
UF Libraries (HSCL) |
Feb. 11 |
Discussion of digitization standards and processes with the Panama Canal Museum, for the shared digital collection, Panama and the Canal
Participant: Will Canova |
Visit |
Feb. 9 |
UF Digital Collections & SobekCM
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
Feb. 4 |
UF Digital Collection Self-Submittal and Metadata Editing for Library Faculty and Staff
Participants: Mark Sullivan and Dina Benson |
UF Libraries (MSL 308) |
Jan. 26 |
UF Digital Collection Self-Submittal and Metadata Editing for Library Faculty and Staff
Participants: Mark Sullivan, Laurie Taylor, and Dina Benson |
UF Libraries (LW419) |
Jan. 22 |
Exhibit Opening: Efraín Barradas Collection of Mexican and Cuban Film Posters: given by Ramón Figueroa
A few words on digitization, preservation, and access
Participants: Laurie Taylor (for the DLC and Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler) |
UF Libraries (1A) |
2009 |
Nov. 16 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Summit (highlights and technologies; and the Jamaica Journal Online launch)
Participants: Mark Sullivan, Laurie Taylor, and Brooke Wooldridge |
Florida International University, Green Library |
Nov. 2-6 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Training |
Visiting intern, Digital Library Center |
Oct. 19 - 23 |
Open Access Week, Oct. 19-23
Digital Scholarship/Institutional Repository Day, Oct. 21
Materials: Open Access Week website,buttons, poster, PPT draft
Open Access Week, IR Day presenters: Dina Benson and Mark Sullivan
IR@UF writer and designer for promotional materials: Dina Benson |
Open Access Week, Oct. 19-23
Digital Scholarship / Institutional Repository Day, Oct. 21 |
Oct. 10 |
Architecture Archives @ UF Online Exhibit Materials: Model for Conners Residence andModel for Walker Guest House
Exhibit designer: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Architecture Archives @UF Tour |
Oct. |
America's Swamp, the Historical Everglades; Online Exhibit for American Archives Month
Exhibit designer: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
American Archives Month, and Oct. 8 Everglades speaker event |
Oct. 1 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) (PPT and UFDC)
Presenters: Paul Losch, Mark Sullivan, and Laurie Taylor |
Latin American Center, LAS Fall 2009 Colloquium Series |
Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Training
Presenters: Will Canova and Brooke Wooldridge |
Belize National Library Service & Information System |
Sept. 21 |
Panama Canal Collections (digitization;related images; 3D item)
Presentation designers: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler and Laurie Taylor |
Exhibited in the Smathers Library |
Sept. 15 |
Hispanic Heritage Month Slideshow (PPT &UFDC)
Exhibit & presentation designer: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Exhibited in the Smathers Library |
Sept. 2 |
UFDC table for the Library Showcase
Presenter: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Exhibited in Library West |
Aug. 20 |
IR Self-Submittal Tool
Presenters: Mark Sullivan and Laurie Taylor |
Library West |
July |
Haitian Digitization Project, Joint project of US Embassy and dLOC (Training on CopiBook and dLOC Toolkit)
Presenters: Mark Sullivan and Matt Loving |
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti |
July |
User-centric Design for Digital Library of the Caribbean (abstract)
Presenters: Marilyn Ochoa and Mark Sullivan |
ALA Annual Conference |
June 1-5 |
Collaborative Digital Projects (UFDC)
Presenters: Matt Loving, Mark Greenberg (USF), and Laurie Taylor |
ACURIL XXXIX (2009) in Guadeloupe |
May |
Haitian Digitization Project, Joint project of US Embassy and dLOC (equipment configuration and setup)
Presenters: Mark Sullivan and Will Canova |
Port-au-Prince, Haiti |
May 21 |
Conducting Research with the UF Digital Collections (UFDC)
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Missy Shoop |
Library West |
May 11-13 |
dLOC Training & Seminar for Libraries in the Dutch Caribbean
Presenters: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler and Brooke Wooldridge |
Biblioteca Nacional Aruba: Oranjestad, Aruba |
Apr. 22 |
Basics of Digitizing Collections (PPT andUFDC)
Presenters: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler and Laurie Taylor |
Society of Florida Archivists Conference |
Mar. |
Advanced Digitization Training (dLOC)
Presenters: Mark Sullivan |
Kingston, Jamaica |
Mar. 11 |
Using the UF Digital Collections (UFDC)
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Missy Shoop |
Oak Hammock |
Feb. |
dLOC Training & Seminar
Presenters: Mark Sullivan and Brooke Wooldridge |
The College of The Bahamas |
Feb. 19 |
Online Tour of the UF Digital Collections
Presenters: Missy Shoop and Laurie Taylor |
NEFLIN Webinar |
Feb. |
Africana Collections: Beadwork Digital Collection (online)
Presenter: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler |
Harn Museum, Founders and Sustainers Appreciation Event |
Jan. 10 |
UF Digital Library Center
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
AAUW Meeting; Smathers Library |
2008 |
Dec. |
dLOC Training & Seminar
Presenters: Lourdes Santamaria-Wheeler, Mark Sullivan, and Brooke Wooldridge |
PUCMM and FUNGLODE; Dominican Republic |
Sept. 25-26 |
dLOC & Digital Library Development Presentations
Presenters: Laurie Taylor and Brooke Wooldridge |
Seminar for Libraries of the Dutch Caribbean Curaçao; University of the Netherlands Antilles. Willemstad, Curaçao |
Aug. |
dLOC Training
Presenter: Mark Sullivan |
Jun. 1 |
Usability Testing: A User-Centered Approach to Improve Electronic Resource Design (online)
Workshop Presenters: Marilyn Ochoa and Brooke Wooldridge |
Apr. 28 |
Asian Studies Digital Collections
Presenter: Jane Pen |
dLOC: Bibliothèque Numérique des Caraïbes |
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Toolkit |
Mar. 3 |
Choices for Building Digital Libraries
Presenter: Laurie Taylor |
The College of The Bahamas; Nassau, Bahamas |