Integrated Tracking System
Tracking Milestones
Integrated with the web presence is a tracking system which allows ongoing digitization to be tracked and all of the work history for an item to
be logged. There are essentially three main categories of milestones which cover the digitization, the physical materials, and archiving of the
resulting digital resource.
Digitization Tracking
Digitization milestones track the entire process of preparing online resources for display within the system, from digitization through online complete. There are four main dates included in the digital milestones, as well as a single flag.
- Digitial Acquisition date is the date the item was created in its electronic form. For non-born digital items, this is generally the date the item was scanned or otherwise converted to a digital format. For born-digital items, this is the date the file was added to the system or retrieved from an external source.
- Post-Acquisition Processing represents the date that any necessary post-acquisition processing was completed. This can include conversion into web-friendly derivatives, copyright blur, color processing, cropping, or any other specific task needed.
- Quality Control Performed holds the date the final derivatives were checked, the metadata was verified for completeness and/or correctness, and any structural metadata needed was created.
- Online Complete is the date the item is made non-private. This is usually the date the item was made public, but if an item is destined to be IP restricted, this will include the date the item was marked open to certain IP addresses.
- Born Digital flag indicates the content was born digitally, and was not converted from physical material.
Physical Material Tracking
Physical milestones and corollary data allow any related physical material to be tracked from material received, through the process, and all the way to final disposition. Physical material tracking includes two milestone dates, as well as disposition advice and disposition information and information about the physical container holding the materials.
- Materials Received is the date the material is received into the digitization center
- Disposition Advice is a field that contains information on how the material should be treated once digitization is complete. These field includes one of the following controlled values:
- Discard - Material can be discarded immediately
- Request withdraw - Material must be withdrawn from the library catalog and discarded
- Return - Materials should be returned to the appropriate shelf, department, or selector
- Disposition Advice Notes is a free-text field for any other information included that explains how the material should be treated once digitization is complete
- Disposition Date holds the date the item was disposed post-digitization
- Disposition Type is a field that contains information on how the material was treated and contains one of the following controlled values:
- Discarded - Material was discarded
- Requested withdraw - Material was withdrawn from the library catalog and discarded
- Returned - Materials was returned to the appropriate shelf, department, or selector
- Disposition Notes is a free-text field for any other information included that explains how the material was treated post-digitization
- Tracking Box is a free-text field for indicating which box, shelf, or container the material is residing in while passing through the digitization process or while pending online completion
It is still possible to have the physical material tracking information for born-digital materials. If a physical manifestation exists as well as the born-digital manifestation, the physical item can be tracked to ensure it is not discarded until the born-digital item is processed and verified for completeness.
Archive Tracking
Archiving milestones contain information on whether and when the final digital content is archived locally and/or remotely ( through the Florida Digital Archive in our case ). Two dates are included in these milestones:
- Locally Archived is the date the digital files were locally backed up to CD or to tape.
- Remotely Archived is the date the digital files were archived remotely.
In general, the date for these is not necessarily significant, but rather the fact that it has been archived or backed up somewhere. So, in many reports, these two fields are collapsed into a single TRUE/FALSE indicating whether the item has been archived.
Worklog / History
In addition to the above milestones and related data, a work log is maintained which contains every discrete amount of work performed during the process. This work log records the user who performed the work, the location or network folder where the work occurred, and any additional user-entered notes.
Many times, a single action will result in a worklog entry being added and a milestone being closed. However, milestones should generally progress forward and retain their data. So, the first time an item is quality control accepted, the Quality Control milestone is completed and a worklog entry is created with username and any other information. Any subsequent time that the item is quality control accepted on that item (for whatever reason) the milestone will not change, but an additional entry will be added to the worklog.
The following are the current workflow entry types, although this list is easily expandable:
Record Created | A record for this item was created |
Digitization Requested | Digitization of this item was requested by an individual or organization |
Material Received | Physical material received into the digitization location |
Scanning | Some portion of this item was scanned |
Image Processing | Post-acquisition image processing ( copyright blur, cropping, color managment, etc.. ) |
PreQC | This item was prepared for Quality Control |
QC Reject | Rejected during quality control |
QC Preliminary | Preliminary QC performed, but neither rejected nor finalized |
QC Accept | Quality control was performed on this item |
Material Disposition | Physical material handled post-digitization |
OCR | OCR was performed on this item |
Bulk Loaded | Loaded into SobekCM through the bulk loader |
Online Submit | Item was submitted via the online interface |
Online Edit | Metadata was edited for this item online |
Metadata Update | A metadata update was applied by the SobekCM Bulk Loader |
Archived to Tivoli | Files saved into CNS Tivoli backup solution |
FDA Ingest | FDA ingested the item |
FDA Error | FDA was unable to load the item |
Made Public | Item was switched to PUBLIC visibility |
Made Private | Item was switched to PRIVATE visibility |
Made Restricted | Item was switch to some IP RESTRICTED visibility |
OCLC Number Added | New OCLC number provided for this item |
Tracking Information Access
Much of the tracking information is available, at least as read-only, via the standard SobekCM web application. In addition, a
new tool, the SobekCM Management and Reporting Tool (SMaRT) is available to use in-house. This application allows
for more mass updating options and includes more reporting features than available through the web. In general, all processes which
can run quickly will be available through the web interface, but some mass updates and long-running reports will only ever be
available through the SMaRT windows application.
Legacy Application
Documentation for the legacy tracking system, which is no longer in use, is still available here.