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Code Details >> Library Namespace

SobekCM.Library Namespace

Class library contains all the classes which render the pages for SobekCM on the web, as well as all the helper classes for that activity


Collection of all the online system administrative task writers
Contains the classes utilized by the aggregation viewer for display item aggregations within the web application
Contains the list of all possible item aggregation viewers
Contains all the classes used for editing the descriptive information of a SobekCM digital resources online, including each of the classes used to give access to specific metadata elemented within the digital resource.
Contains all of the elements used for online submittal and online editing
Implemented elements that are not very specific and simply extend a base class metadata template element, such as the textbox element
Contains the classes to read the template configuration XML file and render a template online for online submittal or online metadata editing
Class is used to add an instance of the CKEditor HTML editor into the pages of the aggregation and web skin admin screens.
Contains the database gateway classes for connecting to the SobekCM/UFDC database
Classes to assist with sending emails, either using direct SMTP or through database mail
Contains all of the html sub-writers for rendering each mode online as html
Contains the management and viewer classes for viewing a single digital resource online, used by the item_html_subwriter class
Contains all the individual viewers for rendering a digital resource online (jpeg viewer, download viewer, zoomable viewer, etc...)
Main classes used to provide localization of all standard strings within SobekCM, which depends on individual classes for each class that is localized.
Individual classes for each class that is localized, providing the translated strings for each online html-rendering object, class by class.
Contains the main writers for the different types of responses (i.e., html, oai, data, xml, etc..)
Viewers for the various mySobek modes, used by the my_sobek_html_subwriter class
Contains the management and viewer classes for viewing a list of digital resources online, used by the results_dataset_html_subwriter class
Contains the UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway which communicates back to the engine's application cache gateway to provide access to the main application state objects and collection used oftern and repeatadly throughout the system
Contains all the classes used for securing and providing the ability to upload documents through the web interface. This uses the external UploadiFive library.


Public classAggregationViewBag
Aggregation view bag is used to hold aggregation specific data that is passed down to each individual aggregation viewer
Public classRequestCache
Class holds all the information about one specific request and the non-global data that is specifically needed to resolve the request.
Protected classResource_Web_Config_Writer
Class writes the web.config file for the resource folders to limit access in the case the resource is either dark or is ip restricted.
Public classSobekCM_Assistant
Class is a helper class that pulls much of the data needed for the processing of requests. Tries to retrieve from the cache, and if the data is not there, it will then build the object and try to store on the cache
Public classStatic_Pages_Builder
Class builds the static HTML page for a digital resource to allow indexing by search engines
Public classText_Search_Term_Highlighter
Class is used to highlight certain terms within a body of HTML text

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )