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SobekCM Builder / Bulk Loader Rules


This outlines the rules applied to incoming packages to be processed by the SobekCM Builder / Bulk Loader.


For purposes of this documentation and the builder, METS files must end in .mets or .mets.xml.

To ensure the system can read the METS and bibliographic data, the METS file should be a SobekCM-compliant METS file.

A candidate package must pass the following tests before it will be processed by the SobekCM Builder:

  • To move the package into PROCESSING, the directory must not have been written to in the last...
    • 60 seconds if there is only one file and it is a METS file with a RECORDSTATUS attribute in the METS file is either DELETE or METADATA_UPDATE
    • 90 seconds otherwise

  • Folders without a METS must follow these rules:
    1. The folder must be named 'BIBID_VID' or be in VID subfolder under a BIBID. For information on valid BibID's and VIDs, see notes here.
    2. The BibID / VID combination must pre-exist within the SobekCM database
    3. The incoming folder must be set to allow folders without metadata

  • Folders with an identifiable METS must follow these rules:
    1. Must have one and only one METS file
    2. The METS file must validate against the METS standard, and any other schemas referenced. (basic XML validation)
    3. The METS file must be able to be read by the system.
    4. If no VID is included in the METS file, then the BibID must either be new, or there must be only one item in the database for the BibID and it must be VID='00001'
    5. The BibID must be in the correct format, per a regular expression check
    6. The VID either must be absent (and passed test #4 above) or must pass a regular expression check
    7. There must be a title which was able to be read from the METS file
    8. If the RECORDSTATUS is set to 'COMPLETE' then a check against all the incoming files is performed. If checksums are present in the METS, they will be checked against the incoming files for transmission problems.

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