SobekCM Usage Statistics Reader Download
Downloand and Installation Information
Version 2.0 (BETA Public Release) - May 8, 2012
This is an administrative tool utilized by institutions which are running their own instance of SobekCM.
The purpose of this application is to read the web IIS log files from the web server running SobekCM, and create statistically useful
information from those logs, to be stored in the statistics tables in the database.
This windows application can be downloaded in the following format:
Brief Instructions
Once the application is launched, you will see the screen below:
Figure 1: Usage Statistics Reader Main Form |
Some notes regarding this application and this main form:
- SobekCM Web App Directory: Add the directory (network share) to the main web application. This is used to read some of the necessary design files. The statistics generator basically generates a mini-instance of the entire SobekCM web application and then runs all the queries against it. So, it needs access to the design folder.
- IIS Web Log Directory: This is the folder where you have the IIS web logs to process. Generally, this should only include the web logs for the period of time you want to create statistics for, but always be at least one calendar month. (Stored in the database by month-year)
- Dataset Workspace: This is a temporary type area in which XML files are written which summarize usage against the system on each month. I actually repoint this usually and I keep these XML files, since they take a while to generate.
- Database Update Type: Currently this does NO updating directly against the database. My usage updates are gigantic, so I usually create a SQL script and then run that against the database. (In fact, I log onto the actual database since they run faster there, rather than over the network.) Your usage should be more manageable, so you can probably just run the whole script from your desktop. The SQL script (one for month) is the only current output option.
- SQL Script Output Directory: Go figure.. this is where all SQL scripts will be written.
- Date Range: Start with the year/month ( i.e., 2011 04 ) for the first date you want to select. To do a range of dates, you need to include the final year month as well. Again, a separate script will be generated for each month.
- Database Connection String: Either enter the connection string directly, or select the wrench to build the connection string from the database server name and database catalog name.
Selecting OK will start the process. It is a fairly slow process for me, but you will see some sporadic updates as it goes through the process.
Version Information
Version 2.0 (Beta Public Release) - May 2012
- Initial public release
- Converted application from console app to windows app and added a GUI
- Added ability to enter all directory information, etc..
- Moved into separate worker thread
- All code integrated into the SobekCM library
Version 1.9 - February 2012
- Added ability to send monthly emails to users for usage on the items they submitted
Version 1.8 - September 2011
- Updated the DLLs to update for recent changes to the SobekCM system
- MSI and ZIP downloads from within the static web content is now included seperately as static web content in the stats
- New monthly dataset "MMYY_users.xml" is output after collapsing all the daily datasets. This includes the users who have the most hits against the library that month. This is useful for trying to determine hits from robots which are getting through the robot screen.
Version 1.7 - April 2011
- SQL output now includes JSON, XML, OAI, and Robot hits in the overall stat count
- Static web content and portal hits are now includes in the SQL output
- Home page hits coming into alternate portals ( i.e., ) are now correctly attributed to that portals default aggregation
- Most references to UFDC changed to SobekCM
- Cleaned old code which is no longer in use
Version 1.6 - February 2011
- Added robot hits to the stats dataset
- Updated procedures to simplify since the main library web server is no longer involved
- Updated code to ensure all robot hits were correctly flagged
- Added the top IP addresses by hits as a final table in the dataset, along with user
agent information, to help facilitate search engine robot identification and
algorithm modification.
Version 1.5 - December 2010
- Added the standard SobekCM/UFDC libraries so the URL reader is the same as the actual web page
- This accomodated the new URL style.
- Also, added JSON, XML, and OAI reader count to the stats dataset
Version 1.4 - August 2010
- Modification for new database server
- Corrected issue with aggregation stored procedure not adding item stats to aggregations without any initial statistical data
Version 1.0 - December 2008
- Tool initially created for internal use