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SobekCM.Builder_Library.Modules.Items Namespace

Contains all the item-specific modules used by the builder for processing both newly incoming materials via the builder folders and also reprocessing materials that were recently submitted. Some modules also specifically perform functions necessary for deleting existing digital resources.


Public classabstractSubmissionPackageModule
Abstract class that all (standard) item-level submission package builder modules extend
Public classAddNewImagesAndViewsModule
Item-level submission package module adds only newly added images and views to the resource object
Public classAddTrackingWorkflowModule
Item-level submission package module adds new tracking workflow and milestones for the incoming digital resource folder
Public classAttachAllNonImageFilesModule
Item-level submission package module adds ALL non-image files to the digital resource, regardless if they were newly added or not
Public classAttachImagesAllModule
Item-level submission package module adds ALL the image files to the digital resource, regardless if they were just uploaded or not
Public classCheckForSsnModule
Item-level submission package module checks the text files for a match that appears to be a social security number and emails a warning to the privacy email address on a possible match
Public classCleanDirtyOcrModule
Item-level submission package module attempts to clean dirty OCR files that may somehow contain unprintable characters and other flaws
Public classCleanWebResourceFolderModule
Item-level submission package module performs some cleanup on digital resource folders from previous versions that had some extraneous files and didn't store the backup files in a subfolder
Public classConvertOfficeFilesToPdfModule
Item-level submission package module converts office files ( powerpoints and Word files ) into a PDF, while still retaining the original file
Public classCopyToArchiveFolderModule
Item-level submission package module copies all incoming files into an archive folder, where an archiving process can pickup the new files
Public classCreateImageDerivativesModule
Item-level submission package module creates all the image derivative files from original jpeg and tiff files
Public classCreatePdfThumbnailModule
Item-level submission package module extracts a thumbnail image from a PDF file
Public classCreateStaticVersionModule
Item-level submission package module creates a static version for serving to search engine robots to provide as much indexable data as possible
Public classDeleteItemModule
Item-level submission package module performs a delete from the database and moves all digital resource files into the recycle bin
Public classEnsureMainThumbnailModule
Item-level submission package module ensures a main thumbnail has been selected for this digital resource
Public classExtractTextFromHtmlModule
Item-level submission package module extracts indexable (i.e, without the tags) text from a HTML file
Public classExtractTextFromPdfModule
Item-level submission package module extracts indexable text from a PDF file
Public classExtractTextFromXmlModule
Item-level submission package module extracts indexable (i.e, without the tags) text from a HTML file
Public classGetPageCountFromPdfModule
Item-level submission package module gets the page count from a PDF file, for statiscal reporting
Public classMoveFilesToImageServerModule
Item-level submission package module moves all the incoming files and images to the image server, while keeping track of which images were newly added
Public classOcrTiffsModule
Item-level submission package module performs OCR on the incoming TIFF files to create indexable text
Public classReloadMetsAndBasicDbInfoModule
Item-level submission package module reloads the basic behavior information from the database into the digital resource, such as collections and thumbnails
Public classSaveMarcXmlModule
Item-level submission package module saves a MarcXML file within the digital resource folder
Public classSaveServiceMetsModule
Item-level submission package module saves a service METS file within the digital resource folder
Public classSaveToDatabaseModule
Item-level submission package module saves all of the digital resource information to the database
Public classSaveToSolrLuceneModule
Item-level submission package module saves all of the digital resource information to solr/lucene
Public classUpdateJpegAttributesModule
Item-level submission package module updates the basic dimensional information stored for all of the JPEG files within the service METS file
Public classUpdateWebConfigModule
Item-level submission package module updates the item-level web.config file based on restriction information


Public interfaceiSubmissionPackageModule
Interface class that all item-level submission package builder modules MUST implement

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )