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SobekCM.Engine_Library Namespace

Classes used to support the architecture of the engine and to build all the objects that the engine exposes via REST APIs.


Contains classes to build the item aggregation objects and also to read and write from the aggregation design configuration files
Classes to manage the application state of the instance of SobekCM, pulling the data from the engine database and refreshing as needed.
Classes used to read the configuration files and build the configuration objects. The configuration objects are generally contained within the SobekCM Core library, as they are likely shared with the builder and/or ui-layer.
Gateway classes that provide access to the database for the engine.
Classes used to assist with emailing items or errors, based on the system-wide settings (i.e., database mail vs. smtp send )
Standard classes that support specific SobekCM engine endpoints and are referenced in the engine configuration file.
Utility classes used to very quickly check for IP restrictions and if a certain IP address is within an IP range. This is used to perform IP restrictions on the endpoints exposed via REST from the engine.
Factory and utility classes for building the SobekCM_Item objects from the METS files and information from the database. Sub-namespaces facilitate with other activities, such as mapping to a BriefItemInfo object.
Authority objects for streets and features, used within the Ephemeral Cities project initially
Factory class for the BriefItem object as well as any necessary general helper classes. The factory utilizes all the mapping objects in the Mappers sub-namespace, as specified by the configuraiton file.
Mappers which map a discrete set of fields from the SobekCM_Item object to the BriefItem object that is shared via the REST APIs with the ui-layer
Classes used to support certain endpoint methods, but are not consumed by the ui-layer, so do not reside in the SobekCM Core library.
Classes used to read the query string and build the basic navigational classes for a single query
Classes used to build all the settings objects (and call the configuration readers) that reside in the SobekCM Core library and are exposed to the ui-layer via REST.
Classes used to read the sitemap information for static webcontent hosted by a SobekCM instance
Contains the readers and writers used to builder the web skin objects which determines the overall appearance of the digital library
Classes used for querying and indexing the Solr/Lucene full text indexes


Public classExtensionMethods
Class holds all extension methods added for use within the engine library
Public classMicroserviceHandler
Handler is used to handle any incoming requests for a microservice exposed by the engine
Public classMicroserviceRewriter
Rewrites the incomig request to the engine in a way that the handler can then work with

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )