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Code Details >> Library >> MainWriters Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Library.MainWriters Namespace

Contains the main writers for the different types of responses (i.e., html, oai, data, xml, etc..)


Public classabstractMainWriter
Abstract class which all main writer classes must extend
Public classDataProvider_MainWriter
Main writer provides datatables as JSON to drive anything which requires server-side paging or sorting of a large amount of data.
Public classDataset_MainWriter
Main writer writes search results and item browses as a dataset represented in XML format to the response stream. This is the native Microsoft.NET format, easily read into a remote dataset by using DataSet.ReadXML()
Public classHtml_Echo_MainWriter
HTML echo writer is generally used just for directing search engine robots to pre-existing html pages for indexing items, etc..
Public classHtml_MainWriter
Main writer writes the HTML response to a user's request
Public classJson_MainWriter
Main writer writes search results, item browses, and item information in Java Simple Object Notation for interfacing with the iPhone mobile applications
Public classOai_MainWriter
Main writer writes browses in OAI-PMH format
Public classXml_MainWriter
Main writer writes search results and item browses as simplified XML to the response stream.

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )