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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> Configuration Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object.Configuration Namespace

Configuration information determines which classes are used to read and write metadata files and also which classes are used to read and write sections within the METS file structure.


Public classAdditional_Metadata_Module_Config
Holds all the information about metadata modules which should be added to each new SobekCM_Item class
Public classMetadata_Configuration
Metadata configuration for all the classes used to read/write metadata files or sections within a METS file
Public classMetadata_File_ReaderWriter_Config
Configuration information about a reader/writer class used to read stand-along metadata files
Public classMETS_Section_ReaderWriter_Config
Configuration information about a reader/writer class used to read or write a section within a METS file
Public classMETS_Section_ReaderWriter_Mapping
Information about how a METS Section reader/writer maps into a METS file
Public classMETS_Writing_Profile
Profile defines which METS sections reader/writers are used when writing a METS file.
Public classResourceObjectSettings
Settings necessary for the digital resource library to operate, such as all the metadata configuration (or the default)


Public enumerationMetadata_File_Type_Enum
Standard metadata file types
Public enumerationMETS_amdSec_Type_Enum
Type of METS administrative section supported by this reader/writer
Public enumerationMETS_Section_Type_Enum
Type of METS section supported by this reader/writer

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )