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Code Details >> Core >> Settings Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Core.Settings Namespace

Classes hold all the setting information related to this instance. Setting information is more prone to change than configurations and are usually stored within the database. The builders and database calls to populate these setting objects are in the SobekCM Engine library.


Public classAdmin_Setting_Collection
Collection of all the administrative settings, which includes display information to accompany the current keys and values
Public classAdmin_Setting_Value
Administrative setting information, including display information and the current setting value and key
Public classArchive_Settings
Settings from the database for built-in archiving functionality
Public classBuilder_Settings
[DataContract] Class stores the all the settings used by the builder
Public classDisposition_Option
Stores display information for a single possible disposition, or how physical material should be handled after digitization completes
Public classEmail_Settings
Settings for emails, including email setup and main email addresses used in certain situations
Public classEmail_Setup_Settings
Details on how the system can send emails (either through database or direct to SMTP port)
Public classFlorida_Settings
Settings for specific to the Florida SUS schools
Public classInstanceWide_Settings
Class provides context to constant settings from the database, based on the basic information about this instance of the application and server information
Public classMarc21_Settings
Settings related to the generation of Marc21 files within the system and the MarcXML feed
Public classMime_Type_Info
Information about a single file extension, associated MIME type, and related system settings
Public classResource_Settings
Settings related to default values for the digital resource files and how resource files should be handeled
Public classSearch_Settings
Settings related to the behavior of the aggregation-wide searches within the system
Public classServer_Settings
Settings regarding the server architecture, include URLs and network locations
Public classSimple_Setting
Simple setting object holds the key, the value, and the ID
Public classStatic_Settings
Top-level settings that are fairly consistent, and don't really load from any database or configuration value
Public classSystem_Settings
Top-level settings that control basic operation and appearance of the entire SobekCM instance
Public classWorkflow_Type
Information about a single workflow type used for tracking all work that occurs against a single digital resource


Public enumerationEmail_Method_Enum
Enumeration indicates the type of email sending to support

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )