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Code Details >> Engine_Library >> ApplicationState >> Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway

Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway Class

Class stores all the application-wide setting information as well as basic values for most of the main object types used by the system

Namespace: SobekCM.Engine_Library.ApplicationState
Assembly: SobekCM_Engine_Library (in SobekCM_Engine_Library.dll) Version: (


public static class Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodStatic memberRefreshAll()()()()
Refress all of the settings within this gateway
Public methodStatic memberRefreshAll(Database_Instance_Configuration)
Refress all of the settings within this gateway
Public methodStatic memberRefreshCodes
Refresh the aggregation code list by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshCollectionAliases
Refresh the list of aggregation/collection aliases by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshConfiguration()()()()
Refresh the settings object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshConfiguration(Database_Instance_Configuration)
Refresh the settings object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshDefaultMetadataTemplates
Clears the lists of globally defined default metadata sets and metadata input templates, so they will be refreshed next time they are requested
Public methodStatic memberRefreshIcons
Refresh the list of icon/wordmarks by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshIP_Restrictions
Refresh the list of ip restriction ranges by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshItems
Refresh the item lookup object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshItemViewerPriority
Refresh the list of item viewer priority by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshMimeTypes
Refresh the list of mime types by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshSettings()()()()
Refresh the settings object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshSettings(Database_Instance_Configuration)
Refresh the settings object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshStatsDateRange
Refresh the statistics date range by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshStopWords
Refresh the list of search stop words for database searching by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshThematicHeadings
Refresh the list of thematic headings by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshTranslations
Refresh the translation object by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshUrlPortals
Refresh the URL portals list by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshUserGroups
Refresh the list of all user groups by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshWebContentHierarchy
Refresh the hierarchy of non-aggregational web content pages by pulling the data back from the database
Public methodStatic memberRefreshWebSkins
Refresh the web skin collection by pulling the data back from the database


Public propertyStatic memberChecked_List
Get the checked out list of items object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberCodes
Get the aggregation code list object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberCollection_Aliases
Get the dictionary of collection aliases (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberConfiguration
Get the configuration object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberGlobal_Default_Metadata
List of all the globally defined default metadata sets for this instance
Public propertyStatic memberIcon_List
Get the dictionary of icon/wordmarks (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberIP_Restrictions
Get the list of ip restriction ranges (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberItem_Viewer_Priority
Get the list of item viewer priority (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberItems
Get the item lookup object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberLast_Refresh
Last time the date time value was refreshed
Public propertyStatic memberMime_Types
Get the dictionary of mime types (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberSearch_History
Get the search history (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberSettings
Get the settings object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberStats_Date_Range
Get the statistics date range (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberStopWords
Get the list of search stop words for database searching (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberTemplates
List of all the globally defined metadata templates within this instance
Public propertyStatic memberThematic_Headings
Get the list of thematic headings for database searching (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberTranslation
Get the translation object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberURL_Portals
Get the URL portal list object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberUser_Groups
Get the list of all user groups (or build the collection and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberWeb_Skin_Collection
Get the web skin collection object (or build the object and return it)
Public propertyStatic memberWebContent_Hierarchy
Get the complete hierarchy of non-aggregational web content pages and redirects, used for navigation

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )