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CompleteTemplate Class

CompleteTemplate object stores all the information about an individual metadata template and all of the elements contained within the panels and pages of the template

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.Citation.Template
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class CompleteTemplate

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodCompleteTemplate()()()()
Constructor for a new instance of the CompleteTemplate class
Public methodCompleteTemplate(String)
Constructor for a new instance of the CompleteTemplate class


Protected methodAdd_Codes
Method adds aggregation codes to the pertinent element objects ( i.e., collections, subcollecctions, etc.. )
Protected methodAdd_Constant
Adds a new constant to the collection of constants contained within this template
Protected methodAdd_Page
Adds a new template page to the collection of pages contained within this template
Public methodBuild_Final_Adjustment_And_Checks
Steps through each element after reading the template information and ensures that any element that must be aware of a comparable element's existence is notified ( such as creator/contributor ).
Public methodStatic memberRead_XML_Template(String)
Static method reads a template XML configuraton file and creates the CompleteTemplate object
Public methodStatic memberRead_XML_Template(String, Boolean)
Static method reads a template XML configuraton file and creates the CompleteTemplate object
Public methodRender_Template_HTML(TextWriter, SobekCM_Item, String, Boolean, User_Object, Web_Language_Enum, Language_Support_Info, Navigation_Object)
Displays an item as HTML using this template
Public methodRender_Template_HTML(TextWriter, SobekCM_Item, String, Boolean, User_Object, Web_Language_Enum, Language_Support_Info, String, Int32)
Displays one page worth of elements from an item as HTML using this template
Public methodSave_To_Bib(SobekCM_Item, User_Object)
Saves the data entered by the user through this template to the provided bibliographic object
Public methodSave_To_Bib(SobekCM_Item, User_Object, Int32)
Saves the data entered by the user through one page of this template to the provided bibliographic object


Public propertyBanner
Banner which overrides the default banner whenever using this template
Public propertyBibID_Root
Root used for the Bibliographic Identifier (BibID) for new items added with this template
Public propertyCode
Code for this template
Public propertyConstants
Read-only collection of constant elements for this template
Public propertyCreator
Name of the creator of this template
Public propertyDateCreated
Date this template was created
Public propertyDefault_Visibility
Value indicates the IP restriction / visibility setting by default for items being entered through this template
Public propertyEmail_Upon_Receipt
Email address which receives an automatic email anytime a new item is submitted through this template
Public propertyInclude_User_As_Author
Flag indicates if the user should be marked as the default creator with this template
Public propertyInputPages
Read-only collection of Template_Page objects for this template
Public propertyInputPages_Count
Gets the number of input pages in this template
Public propertyLastModified
Date this template was last modified
Public propertyNotes
Notes about the creation and maintenance of this template
Public propertyPermissions_Agreement
Permissions agreement for this template
Public propertyTitle
Current title of this template
Public propertyUpload_Mandatory
Flag indicates if a new item using this template must have an upload of some type
Public propertyUpload_Types
Indicates the types of uploads that are required with this item

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )