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Code Details >> Library >> HTML >> Internal_HtmlSubwriter

Internal_HtmlSubwriter Class

Internal html subwriter renders all of the screens about the collections and items held within this digital library, the list of items edited or recently added, and the current memory profile

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.HTML
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class Internal_HtmlSubwriter : abstractHtmlSubwriter


This class extends the abstractHtmlSubwriter abstract class.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodInternal_HtmlSubwriter
Constructor for a new instance of the Internal_HtmlSubwriter class


Protected methodadd_aggregations_master_list_html
Adds information about all aggregationPermissions to the response stream
Protected methodadd_aggregations_tree_html
Adds information about all aggregationPermissions to the response stream
Protected methodadd_build_failures
Adds the list of build failures to the output stream for a given date range
Protected methodadd_cache_html
Adds the current memory profile to the response stream
Public methodAdd_Footer
Add the footer to the output
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public methodAdd_Header
Add the header to the output
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Protected methodadd_new_item_html
Adds the list of all new and recently changed items to the response stream
Protected methodadd_wordmarks
Adds the wordmarks to the response stream
Protected methodMonth_From_Int
Convert between the month sequence and the english month name
Public methodWrite_Additional_HTML
Writes additional HTML to the output stream just before the main place holder but after the TocPlaceHolder in the itemNavForm form.
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public methodWrite_Final_HTML
Writes final HTML after all the forms
(Overrides abstractHtmlSubwriter..::..Write_Final_HTML(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_HTML
Writes the HTML generated by this internal html subwriter directly to the response stream
(Overrides abstractHtmlSubwriter..::..Write_HTML(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_Internal_Header_HTML
Adds the internal header HTML for this specific HTML writer
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Protected methodWrite_Internal_Header_Search_Box
Adds the internal header search box to the current output stream
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Closing
Writes final HTML to the output stream after all the placeholders and just before the itemNavForm is closed.
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Opening
Writes the html to the output stream open the itemNavForm, which appears just before the TocPlaceHolder
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public methodWrite_Within_HTML_Head
Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page
(Overrides abstractHtmlSubwriter..::..Write_Within_HTML_Head(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)


Protected fieldRequestSpecificValues
Protected field contains the information specific to the current request
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)


Public propertyBody_Attributes
Gets the collection of body attributes to be included within the HTML body tag (usually to add events to the body)
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public propertyContainer_CssClass
Gets the CSS class of the container that the page is wrapped within
(Overrides abstractHtmlSubwriter..::..Container_CssClass.)
Public propertyFinal_CSS
Chance for a final, final CSS which can override anything else, including the web skin
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public propertyInclude_Internal_Header
Flag indicates if the internal header should included
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public propertySubwriter_Behaviors
Gets the collection of special behaviors which this subwriter requests from the main HTML writer.
(Overrides abstractHtmlSubwriter..::..Subwriter_Behaviors.)
Public propertyUpload_File_Possible
Returns a flag indicating whether the file upload specific holder in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)
Public propertyWebPage_Title
Title for this web page
(Inherited from abstractHtmlSubwriter.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )