| Name | Description |
| AllowedFileExtensions | List of file extensions allowed |
| Auto | If set to true, files will automatically upload when added to the queue |
| ButtonClass | A class name to add to the UploadiFive button DOM element |
| ButtonHeight | The height of the browse button in pixels |
| ButtonText | The text to display inside the browse button |
| ButtonWidth | The width of the browse button in pixels |
| CheckScript | The path to the server-side files that checks whether a files with the
same name as that being uploaded exists in the destination folder |
| DisallowedFileExtenstionMessage | If a user attempts to upload a disallowed file extension, this is the
message that will be popped up to the user |
| DragAndDrop | If set to false, drag and drop capabilities will not be enabled |
| FileInputClass | Class to use for the file input element |
| FileInputID | ID to use for the file input element |
| FileObjName | The name of the file object to use in your server-side script |
| FileSizeLimit | The maximum upload size allowed in KB |
| FileType | The type of files allowed for upload |
| FormData | Additional data to send to the server-side upload script |
| ItemTemplate | The itemTemplate option allows you to specify a special HTML template for
each item that is added to the queue |
| Method | The type of method to use when submitting the form |
| Multi | Whether or not to allow multiple file selection in the browse dialog window |
| NoHtml5OrFlashMessage | Message displayed if the user has neither HTML5 on their browse nor Flash installed |
| QueueID | The ID of the element you want to use as a file queue |
| QueueSizeLimit | The maximum number of files you can have in the queue at one time |
| RemoveCompleted | Whether or not to remove items that have completed uploading from the queue |
| ReturnToken | Return token is used to pass back the information about which file(s) were uploaded |
| RevertedButtonClass | If this is set, this class will be used for the button when the HTML5 version
has reverted to the flash version. |
| RevertToFlashVersion | Flag indicates that if the client does not have HTML5 with their browser, to revert
to the Flash version, if it is available |
| ServerSideFileName | Name for the final server-side file, which allows overriding the default name,
which would otherwise match the uploaded name |
| SimUploadLimit | The number of files that can be simultaneously uploaded at any given time |
| SubmitWhenQueueCompletes | Flag indicates if the form should be submitted once the uploaded queue completes |
| Swf | This is the location of the uploadify.swf file, including the name of the script |
| TruncateLength | The number of characters at which to truncate the file name in the queue |
| UploadLimit | The maximum number of files that may be uploaded |
| UploadPath | Path where the uploaded files should go |
| UploadScript | The path to the script that will process the uploaded file |
| UseSecureFileHandler | Flag indicates if the secure file handler option should be used |
| Version | Version being utilized, either the HTML5 version (UploadiFive)
or the FLASH version (Uploadify) |