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View_Enum Enumeration

Enumeration of the possible 'views' for a digital resource or page

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Behaviors
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public enum View_Enum


Member nameValueDescription
None-1 No view (this is generally not used
ALL_VOLUMES1 List of all volumes related to the current volume's title (i.e., all VIDs in the same BibID )
CITATION2 Citation viewer shows the citation in various formats
DOWNLOADS3 Downloads viewer shows the list of possible downloads for a digital resource
DATASET_CODEBOOK4 Dataset viewer is used to dispay codebook information present in the XSD accompanying a XML dataset
DATASET_REPORTS5 Dataset viewer is used to view saved reports or create new custom reports
DATASET_VIEWDATA6 Dataset viewer shows the paged data from the dataset and allows simple searching/filtering
EAD_CONTAINER_LIST7 Container list viewer for an EAD/Finding guide item with a container list
EAD_DESCRIPTION8 Descirption viewer for an EAD/Finding guide item
EPHEMERAL_CITIES9 Ephemeral Cities (project-specific) resource viewer
FEATURES10 Resource viewer shows features from the authority database portion which are linked to this digital resource
FLASH11 Flash viewer is used to display a flash file for a digital resource
GOOGLE_COORDINATE_ENTRY12 Google coordinate edit view (restricted to item editors)
GOOGLE_MAP13 Google map view shows the coverage of a digital resource graphically
GOOGLE_MAP_BETA14 Google map view shows the coverage of a digital resource graphically
HTML15 Resource views shows a static HTML page
JPEG16 Static JPEG page viewer
JPEG_TEXT_TWO_UP17 Viewer is used to view the jpeg image and view (and possibly edit) the full text derived from that page image
JPEG200018 Zoomable JPEG2000 page viewer
MANAGE19 Viewer that shows all the ways the user can manage this item
PAGE_TURNER20 Page turner which allows the user to step through each jpeg in a format that resembles a traditional book
PDF21 PDF viewer is used to view an embedded Adobe PDF file for a digital resource
RELATED_IMAGES22 Related Images resource viewer
RESTRICTED23 Restricted viewer is displayed when the item is restricted by IP address
QUALITY_CONTROL24 Quality control viewer (restricted to item editors)
SANBORN25 Sanborn (project-specific) resource viewer
SEARCH26 Search page to view search options and/or search results at the single item level
SIMPLE_HTML_LINK27 This creates a tab which looks like a view tab, but is really just a link out to a seperate html page
STREETS28 Resource viewer shows streets from the authority database portion which are linked to this digital resource
TEI29 Text Encoding Initiative display
TEST30 Test viewer used during development for different things
TEXT31 Text page viewer
TOC32 Table of contents view lists the table of contents with links to the beginning of each division
TRACKING33 Displays the tracking information for a single digital resource
TRACKING_SHEET34Displays the tracking sheet for the object being digitized
VIDEO35 Displays a locally loaded video file using the HTML5 video tag, or other appropriate viewers
YOUTUBE_VIDEO36 Displays a you tube video embedded within the digital resource
EMBEDDED_VIDEO37 Generic embedded video displayer is used for displaying any streaming video in an iFrame


Object created by Mark V Sullivan (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )