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SobekCM METS Files: Descriptive Sections


The bulk of the descriptive bibliographic information is encoded within the descriptive metadata section inside <dmdSec> tags. The METS standard allows for multiple decriptive metadata sections. Descriptive metadata can be expressed according to many current description standards (i.e., MARC, MODS, Dublin Core, TEI Header, EAD, VRA, FGDC, DDI) or a locally produced XML schema.

SobekCM Rules

Within SobekCM METS, dmdSecs can only be associated with the entire digital object, rather than a subelement within the file section or structure map.

The metadata should be internally encoded within the standard mdWrap tags.

At least one analyzable dmdSec must exist with a valid title for the digital object. In addition, the standard used should be included in the OTHERMDTYPE attribute, or the LABEL attribute if no OTHERMDTYPE attribute exists. A section must exist encoded in one of the following schemes:

  • Dublin Core
  • Metadata Object Descriptive Standard [MODS]
  • MarcXML


In addition to supporting dublin core, MODS, and MarcXML the following supplementary schemas are supported:

  • DarwinCore for taxonomic data
  • PALMM's ETD Schema for Electronic Theses and Dissertations
  • Locally-defined SobekCM Schema
  • Elements of VRACore are supported as an extension to MODS