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SobekCM METS Files: METS Header


The first section is the METS header information. This contains information on how to validate this package. It also contains basic information about who created this METS document, and what software was used during the creation.

This METS header specifications include the following components in a METS file:

  • XML declaration ( required )
  • Processing instructions ( optional )
  • METS declaration (required)
  • metsHdr (METS Header) section

SobekCM Rules

The SobekCM Identifier must appear in either the OBJECTID in the METS declaration or the ID in the metsHdr node. No other value is valid for either of these attributes in a SobekCM METS file. ( see notes and rules regarding SobekCM Identifier )

XML Declaration

The XML declaration is required and it is recommended to have the proper encoding indicated, as this will be used by the XML reader. All standard encodings are supported, although METS files written by the system will always be written in UTF-8. Any METS files which were originally in a different encoding scheme will be converted to UTF-8.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>

Processing Instructions

Immediately after the XML declaration, optional processing instructions may be included. The processing instructions are analyzed to determine if the instructions are known instructions, upon which action may need to be taken. In particular, the instructions with a name of 'fcla' and 'builder' are analyzed and parsed. Any unanalyzable processing instruction is also retained, to be included in any subsequently written METS file.

The fcla-named instructions can include pseudo-attributes of either 'dl' or 'fda'. The value of each pseudo-parameter must be either 'yes' or 'no'. These processing instructions are reserved for use by the Florida Center for Library Automation.

The builder-named instructions indicate to the SobekCM Builder which specs to use during image creation, if the main thumbnail, page thumbnails, or jpeg images need to be created during the load or post-load process. These builder-named instructions must include a type ( either 'mainthumb', 'pagethumb', or 'jpeg' ) as well as a valid width and height. The width and height provide constraints on the size of the derivative created.


<?fcla fda="no"?>
<?fcla dl="yes"?>
<?builder type="mainthumb" width="150" height="330" ?>
<?builder type="pagethumb" width="100" height="250" ?>
<?builder type="jpeg" width="650" height="1000" ?>

The processing instructions in the example above indicate:

  • If this package is sent to FCLA, the package should NOT be routed to the FDA (Florida Digital Archive).
  • If the package is sent to FCLA, the package should be routed to the DL (digital library).
  • If a main thumbnail is derived, it should be no wider than 150 pixels and no higher than 330 pixels
  • If page thumbnails are derived (from either a TIFF or a jpeg file), it should be no wider than 100 pixels and no taller than 250 pixels
  • If jpeg page images are derived from TIFF files, they should be no wider than 650 pixels and no taller than 1000 pixels.

METS Declaration

The METS declaration is required for a valid METS file. In addition, all references schemas should be included here. Depending on the different metadata schemes used within the body of the METS file, the included schemas will vary.

A matching closing METS tag should appear at the very bottom of the METS file.

While several additional attributes are supported by the METS element, the following attributes are used by SobekCM.

OBJIDThis field should include the SobekCM Identifier for the resource. ( see notes and rules regarding SobekCM Identifier )
LABELIt is assumed that the title of the resource will be present in a bibSec for the item. When SobekCM METS files are written, the title is included in a LABEL attribute; the LABEL attribute is not read though
TYPEIt is assumed the the resource type will be present in a bibSec for the item. When SobekCM METS files are written, the type is included in a TYPE attribute; the TYPE attribute is not read though


<METS:mets OBJID="AA00008590_00001"
        LABEL="Extrait du rapport adressé au Directoire exécutif par le citoyen Toussaint Louverture"
        TYPE="sound recording"

metsHdr Section

The optional metsHdr section within the METS provides information about the METS document itself, such as how and when the METS file was created or edited.

If the optional ID attribute is included, it must correspond to the SobekCM Identifier and should be identical to the OBJECTID attribute on the METS element. ( see notes and rules regarding SobekCM Identifier )

The RECORDSTATUS attribute should be included for all SobekCM METS files. This status is utilized by the builder to determine the level of validation to apply, as indicated by the table below:

COMPLETE (default)All of the files mentioned in the fileSec and structMap must be included in the package, or the loading of this item will fail.
The metadata must validate, but it is assumed that all files referenced in the fileSec and structMap already exist within the resource folder
DELETEThis special record status indicates that this is a request to delete an existing item, as indicated by the OBJECTID/ID

Various creation information can be stored in the child agent nodes, including:

  • Creator organization
  • Software used to create the METS
  • Individual creator and related creation/modification notes

Some elements within the agent tags are additionally analyzed:

  1. If a creator organization name is provided in the METS Header, this is used as the source institution for the resource. The name of the organization is analyzed for the existence of a preceeding code. If a code is present with a comma or pipe ( | ) delimiter, than that is read into the source institution code value and the remaining text is saved as the source institution's name.
  2. If a note exists under the creator organization, it is analyzed for compliance with the PALMM convention of including the PALMM project code in the format "projects=code1, code2". This data is read into a separate PALMM collection code field.


<METS:metsHdr CREATEDATE="2011-12-08T11:30:38Z" LASTMODDATE="2012-01-15T13:45:40Z"
                ID="AA00008590_00001" RECORDSTATUS="PARTIAL">
        <METS:name>UF | University of Florida</METS:name>
        <METS:note>projects=FEOL, FLAG</METS:note>
        <METS:name>SobekCM Metadata Template</METS:name>
        <METS:note>Online edit by Jane Pen ( 1/6/2012 )</METS:note>