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SobekCM.Builder_Library.Modules.Folders Namespace

Contains all the standard builder modules that are used by the builder when checking incoming builder folders. These help determine which items will be selected for processing in the next steps of the builder and can also do some preparation work of incoming material that is non-standard formats.


Public classabstractFolderModule
Abstract class that all (standard) folder-level builder modules extend
Public classApplyBibIdRestrictionModule
Folder-level builder module checks if a folder has a BibID restriction ( i.e., incoming items must start with 'XYZ..' ) and then checks each package found in that folder has a valid BibID, or moves it to the failures folder
Public classMoveAgedPackagesToProcessModule
Folder-level builder module checks for appropriately aged folders and moves them into the related processing folder
Public classUpdateNonBibFolders
Folder-level builder module checks for folders that are not named in BibID or BibiD/VID format and do not have metadata. For these items, creates a BibID/VID folder with minimal metadata from the folder name.
Public classValidateAndClassifyModule
Folder-level builder module validates the metadata for each folder and classified as package either adding a new item or updating an existing item versus a package requesting a delete
Public classWolfsonianProcessorModule
TEST Folder-level builder module for custom Wolfsonian processing


Public interfaceiFolderModule
Interface class that all folder-level builder modules MUST implement


Public delegateWolfsonianProcessorModule..::..MFP_New_Progress_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when the progress bar should change.
Public delegateWolfsonianProcessorModule..::..MFP_New_Status_String_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when the status string on the main form needs to change
Public delegateWolfsonianProcessorModule..::..MFP_Process_Complete_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when all the processing is complete

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )