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Code Details >> Engine_Library >> Items Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Engine_Library.Items Namespace

Factory and utility classes for building the SobekCM_Item objects from the METS files and information from the database. Sub-namespaces facilitate with other activities, such as mapping to a BriefItemInfo object.


Authority objects for streets and features, used within the Ephemeral Cities project initially
Factory class for the BriefItem object as well as any necessary general helper classes. The factory utilizes all the mapping objects in the Mappers sub-namespace, as specified by the configuraiton file.
Mappers which map a discrete set of fields from the SobekCM_Item object to the BriefItem object that is shared via the REST APIs with the ui-layer


Public classSobekCM_Item_Factory
Static class is used to build item and page objects for display in SobekCM
Public classSobekCM_Item_Updater
Code to update an existing digital resource, from a newly updated SobekCM_Item object
Public classSobekCM_METS_Based_ItemBuilder
Class reads the METS files for digital resource via HTTP and then constructs the related digital resource object

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )