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Code Details >> Library >> ItemViewer >> Viewers >> abstractPageFilesItemViewer

abstractPageFilesItemViewer Class

Abstract item viewer is a good base class to extend for item viewers that display files related to the pages, using the built-in paging features to step through each available page

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.ItemViewer.Viewers
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public abstract class abstractPageFilesItemViewer : iItemViewer


This abstract class implements the iItemViewer interface, although several of the main methods are left abstract here and MUST be implemented by any classes that extend this abstract class.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Protected methodabstractPageFilesItemViewer
Initializes a new instance of the abstractPageFilesItemViewer class


Public methodAdd_Main_Viewer_Section
Abstract method allows controls to be added directory to a place holder, rather than just writing to the output HTML stream
Public methodAdd_ViewerSpecific_Body_Attributes
Gets the collection of body attributes to be included within the HTML body tag (usually to add events to the body)
Public methodWrite_Left_Nav_Menu_Section
Adds any viewer_specific information to the left Navigation Bar Menu Section
Public methodWrite_Main_Viewer_Section
Abstract method writes the item viewer main section as HTML directly to the HTTP output stream
Public methodWrite_Top_Additional_Navigation_Row
Adds any viewer_specific information to the item viewer above the standard pagination buttons
Public methodWrite_Within_HTML_Head
Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page


Protected fieldBehaviors
Protected collection of behaviors for this item viewer
Protected fieldBriefItem
Current digital resource item to display
Protected fieldCurrentRequest
Current navigation information for this individual HTML request
Protected fieldCurrentUser
Current user, which can help determine how things should display
Protected fieldStatic memberEmptyBehaviors
Empty list of behaviors, returned by default


Public propertyCurrent_Page
Gets the current page for paging purposes
Public propertyFirst_Page_URL
Gets the url to go to the first page
Public propertyGo_To_Names
Gets the names to show in the Go To combo box
Public propertyItemViewer_Behaviors
Gets the collection of special behaviors which this item viewer requests from the main HTML subwriter.
Public propertyLast_Page_URL
Gets the url to go to the last page
Public propertyNext_Page_URL
Gets the url to go to the next page
Public propertyPage_Selector
Gets the flag that indicates if the page selector should be shown, and which page selector
Public propertyPageCount
Gets the number of pages for this viewer
Public propertyPrevious_Page_URL
Gets the url to go to the previous page
Public propertyViewerBox_CssId
CSS ID for the viewer viewport for this particular viewer
Public propertyViewerBox_InlineStyle
Any additional inline style for this viewer that affects the main box around this

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )