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Code Details >> Library >> UploadiFive >> UploadiFiveControl

UploadiFiveControl Class

Control is used for uploading files through the UploadiFive library

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.UploadiFive
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class UploadiFiveControl : WebControl

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodUploadiFiveControl
Constructor for a new instance of the UploadiFiveControl class


Protected methodRenderContents
Writes the file input and script necessary for the upload of the files
(Overrides WebControl..::..RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter).)


Public propertyAllowedFileExtensions
List of file extensions allowed
Public propertyAuto
If set to true, files will automatically upload when added to the queue
Public propertyButtonClass
A class name to add to the UploadiFive button DOM element
Public propertyButtonHeight
The height of the browse button in pixels
Public propertyButtonText
The text to display inside the browse button
Public propertyButtonWidth
The width of the browse button in pixels
Public propertyCheckScript
The path to the server-side files that checks whether a files with the same name as that being uploaded exists in the destination folder
Public propertyDisallowedFileExtenstionMessage
If a user attempts to upload a disallowed file extension, this is the message that will be popped up to the user
Public propertyDragAndDrop
If set to false, drag and drop capabilities will not be enabled
Public propertyFileInputClass
Class to use for the file input element
Public propertyFileInputID
ID to use for the file input element
Public propertyFileObjName
The name of the file object to use in your server-side script
Public propertyFileSizeLimit
The maximum upload size allowed in KB
Public propertyFileType
The type of files allowed for upload
Public propertyFormData
Additional data to send to the server-side upload script
Public propertyItemTemplate
The itemTemplate option allows you to specify a special HTML template for each item that is added to the queue
Public propertyMethod
The type of method to use when submitting the form
Public propertyMulti
Whether or not to allow multiple file selection in the browse dialog window
Public propertyNoHtml5OrFlashMessage
Message displayed if the user has neither HTML5 on their browse nor Flash installed
Public propertyQueueID
The ID of the element you want to use as a file queue
Public propertyQueueSizeLimit
The maximum number of files you can have in the queue at one time
Public propertyRemoveCompleted
Whether or not to remove items that have completed uploading from the queue
Public propertyReturnToken
Return token is used to pass back the information about which file(s) were uploaded
Public propertyRevertedButtonClass
If this is set, this class will be used for the button when the HTML5 version has reverted to the flash version.
Public propertyRevertToFlashVersion
Flag indicates that if the client does not have HTML5 with their browser, to revert to the Flash version, if it is available
Public propertyServerSideFileName
Name for the final server-side file, which allows overriding the default name, which would otherwise match the uploaded name
Public propertySimUploadLimit
The number of files that can be simultaneously uploaded at any given time
Public propertySubmitWhenQueueCompletes
Flag indicates if the form should be submitted once the uploaded queue completes
Public propertySwf
This is the location of the uploadify.swf file, including the name of the script
Public propertyTruncateLength
The number of characters at which to truncate the file name in the queue
Public propertyUploadLimit
The maximum number of files that may be uploaded
Public propertyUploadPath
Path where the uploaded files should go
Public propertyUploadScript
The path to the script that will process the uploaded file
Public propertyUseSecureFileHandler
Flag indicates if the secure file handler option should be used
Public propertyVersion
Version being utilized, either the HTML5 version (UploadiFive) or the FLASH version (Uploadify)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )