![]() FDA_Report_Reader Class Class is used to read the XML report from FDA Namespace: SobekCM.Tools.FDA Assembly: SobekCM_Tools (in SobekCM_Tools.dll) Version: (4.10.0) Syntax
Remarks This uses an XML reader to iterate through each node in a FDA report and build the associated FDA_Report_Data object.
This does not save any GLOBAL files or any files not included in the package from the DEPOSITOR. When saving the individual file information in each package, this greatly ballooned the size of each FDA report data. ExamplesExample #1 - Simple code to read a FDA report, save it to the database, and write it to another location
Inheritance HierarchyConstructors
See AlsoVersion 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 ) |