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Solr/Lucene Installation and Configuration

The Solr/Lucene indexes are used for all full-text searching and can also be used for the general metadata searches.

Strictly speaking, this server is optional, although if you are loading any full-text for indexing/searching you will need this. If your collections are entirely made up of photographic material, museum artifacts, and/or audio-videos without transcripts, this server can be omitted.

Software Installs

Installation of the following software packages is required for the Solr/Lucene index server:

  1. Java ( we currently use 'jdk-6u20-windows-x64' )

  2. Tomcat Apache ( we currently use version 6.0.26 )

  3. The required Solr/Lucene application's WAR file is included in the SobekCM Solr Configuration Download file, but you could also download the latest version from the Solr/Lucene website. We currently use version 3.1.0.

Note that we may not be using the latest version at this time. Unless otherwise noted, no known conflicts occur with newer versions.

Apache Configuration

The following is our standard Apache configuration steps:

  1. Edit properties on the service ( Administrative Tools → Services → Apacge Tomcat 6 → Properties )

  2. Set the startup to either Automatic or Automatic (Delayed Start)

  3. Set the logon to the correct service account you wish to use

  4. Set the service to restart on each failure

Solr/Lucene Configuration

There are two Solr/Lucene indexes used, one for searching within ALL documents, and one for searching within a single document. Because of this, you will be running a multi-core instance of Solr/Lucene. Steps below indicate how to configure your instance of Solr/Lucene and install the SobekCM indexes. Below are also sites which may assist you with more detail on the configuration

  1. Turn off the Apache service

  2. Copy the solr.war file from the SobekCM Solr Configuration Download file into the lib folder under the Apache directory. (Alternatively, if you downloaded the complete solr install, get the WAR file from the zip's dist folder and rename it 'solr.war'.)

  3. Make a 'C:\Solr' folder which will be your solr home

  4. Copy the documents and pages subfolders from the 'solr_indexes' subfolder in the SobekCM Solr Configuration download under 'C:\Solr'

  5. Copy the XML files from the same ZIP file's 'catalina_configs' subfolder to '..Tomcat 6.0/conf/Catalina/localhost'. If the subfolder is missing, try starting the Apache service and then stopping it. The folder should be created the first time Apache runs.

  6. Restart the Apache service

  7. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/documents to test the setup

Additional Resources

I found the following two sites very useful for configuring Solr/Lucene correctly the first time.