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MISSING BANNER Web Application Installation and Configuration

The main web application for this system is an application. Installation of the application is quite simple, although there are some additional configuration steps which should be takedn for security. The entire process is outlined below.

Server Information

It is recommended to use a 64-bit version of the latest Microsoft Server operating system. (i.e., Server 2008 R2 64-bit).

This web server will need to be able to access the database server, the caching server (if used), and the solr/lucene indexes.

Software Installs

Installation of the following software packages is required for the web and web installer to perform correctly:

Internet Information Services (IIS 7.5) with 4.0. To run in the installer, you will need to have IIS 6 Management Compatability enabled. To enable the compatability (or IIS) go to your Programs and Features, select Turn Windows Features On or OFF, and find IIS. Select all options under IIS 6 Management Compatability.

Figure 1: Enabling IIS 6 Management Compatability

If you will be using a caching server, you will also need to install the following:

  1. Windows Hotfix KB980423 to fix a set of AppFabric issues caused by MWA
  2. Windows Server AppFabric
    • This installs the necessary client software to access the caching server (current on LIB-UFDC-CACHE server). Launch this to install, but the only thing that needs to be set is the Cache Client must be checked under the Runtime Features on the Features screen. In the Programs and Features screen under the Control Panel this will appear as a Windows Update install. Web Application Installation and Configuration

Before continuing, download the appropriate vesion of the web application installer ( 32-bit MSI | 64-bit MSI | SobekCM_Web_x##.msi in the install bundles ). This installer adds the necessary files to your computer and will also add basic information to IIS.

You will need to run the installer under administrator. This is most easily accomplished by copying the MSI to a root directory, running the command prompt as administrator, and then executing the MSI from the DOS prompt.

If you are not running the MSI as administrator, the installer will indicate that it needs to be run as an administrator.

If the installer quickly ends, without displaying the message about admin rights, with the message "The installer was interrupted before SobekCM_Web_Setup could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again" then verify you have the IIS 6 Management Compatability mode set as shown above.

If you do not have the .NET Framework 4.0 installed on your machine, at this point the installer will download and install the framework.

Once the installer passes the startup validations, you will see the screen below:

Figure 2: SobekCM Web Setup Installer

If you would like the application installed as the default or root of your web server (for example, if you web server is dedicated to this purpose) leave the Virtual directory field blank. Otherwise, add the name for the virtual directory to use.

If your default Application Pool is set to run under .NET Framework 4.0, you can use that pool. Otherwise, you will want to select your application pool which DOES use .NET Framework 4.0. If your web application is running several applications, you may want to create a seperate app pool for this web app. Uploading items through institutional repository interface works best if the application pool is running under the same network service account as the web application.

Once you select NEXT, the following screen appears in which to enter your service accounts.

Figure 3: SobekCM Web Setup Service Accounts

Entering the accounts here will ensure that all folder permissions are correctly set. For more information on the service accounts see the User Accounts section in the preparation page.

The majority of the installation will then occur, which may take several minutes.

If this is a new installation, and no existing configuration file is found, the following configuration screens will appear:

Figure 4: SobekCM Web Configuration Form

From this form, you can set the email address to be used whenever a critical error occurs (such as being unable to access the database) and the page an external user will be forwarded to in that case.

You can also enter the SQL connection string or build a connection string from the MSSQL instance and database name.

Once you enter all the data necessary, select SAVE to rewrite the configuration file.

You can perform this configuration step anytime by running the executable file in the config subfolder under the web application, even before the database is installed as long as you know the server name and database name. This step adds information in the configuration file so the web application can access the database, but no information is pulled from the database and the connection is not tested at this step.

Selecting the button to create a new database will show the small preparation form below:

Figure 5: SobekCM Database Creation Preparation Form

On the next screen, enter the server name for your MS SQL instance and choose a name for the database catalog. The tool will automatically attempt to download the latest SQL script, but otherwise you can download it seperately ( from here ) and then navigate to it yourself. If you are creating separate service accounts, enter them below so they can be added to the database roles.

Figure 6: SobekCM Database Creation

Pressing CREATE will cause the database to be created and fully installed.

Finally, the following message box will appear, to remind you to configure the user accounts within IIS manager. This configuration is explained below in the next section.

Figure 7: Reminder to perform IIS user configuration

IIS Configuration

Set this application to run under the web service account. This is currently set in two places through the IIS Manager:

  • Connect as.. in basic settings
    When you are in the IIS manager, select the default web site, and click Basic Settings to the right, under Edit Site. Use your service account there.
  • Anonymous Authentication under the Authentication settings
    Select the authentication icon under the IIS text in the center panel. Anonymous authentication and the authentication should both be enabled. Edit the anonymous authentication and ensure this is using the service account as well.

Also consider setting the application pool to run under the web service account. The upload file process runs under the default application pool identity. This may not be an issue in your configuration, but if you have any problems uploading files, this should be the first check you perform. If you do use a service account here, set the Load Users Profile value to true if it is false. ( App Pool → Advanced Settings → Load Users Profile = True )

The web application can run as the default web site on the server if it is not hosting any other web applications. In that case, just point the default web site's physical path to the folder where the SobekCM web application was installed.

This completes the configuration of the web application.

Related Instructions

  • Web Shares and Folder Permissions

    This document describes the permissions which should be auto-set by the web installer and also gives information about creating shares on the web server to support the builder running on a different server.

  • Configuring IIS for IP Restrictions

    If you wish to use IP restrictions on your digital resources, you will need to set IIS to allow the individual digital resource web.config files to set IP restrictions. These instructions explain this process.

  • Separate Image Server or Site

    By default, the digital resource files and metadata are all placed in a content subfolder under the web application. Instructions here explain how this could be moved to a separate storage server or a separate web site.

  • Sample Skins and Aggregations Design Files

    If you wish to see more samples of skins and aggregation files, you can download these sample design files and folders. This provides the files to support several different skins and sample collections. Once you download the ZIP file, just unzip it over the existing design folder that you will find in the new directory under your web root directory