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Code Details >> Engine_Library >> Database >> Database_Title_Result

Database_Title_Result Class

Class contains all the display and identification information about a single title in a search result set from a database search

Namespace: SobekCM.Engine_Library.Database
Assembly: SobekCM_Engine_Library (in SobekCM_Engine_Library.dll) Version: (


public class Database_Title_Result : iSearch_Title_Result


Due to the hierarchical nature of database search results, this class will contain one or more Database_Item_Result objects for each item under this title.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodDatabase_Title_Result
Constructor for a new instance of the Database_Title_Result class


Protected methodAdd_Item_Result
Adds information about a child item under this title result
Public methodBuild_Item_Tree
Builds the tree of items under this title, for multiple item titles
Public methodGet_Item
Gets the item indicated by the provided index


Public propertyBibID
Bibliographic identifier (BibID) for this title result
Public propertyGroupThumbnail
Group-wide thumbnail for this title result
Public propertyGroupTitle
Group title for this title result
Public propertyItem_Count
Gets the number of items contained within this title result
Public propertyItem_Tree
Gets the item tree view used for showing all the items under this title in a tree type html display
Public propertyMaterialType
Material type for this title result
Public propertyMetadata_Display_Values
Metadata values to display for this item title result
Public propertyOCLC_Number
OCLC cataloging number for this title result
Public propertyOPAC_Number
Local OPAC cataloging number for this title result
Public propertyPrimary_Identifier
Primary alternate identifier for this resource
Public propertyPrimary_Identifier_Type
Type of the primary alternate identifier for this resource ( i.e. 'Accession Number', etc.. )
Public propertyRowNumber
Row number of this title within a larger page of results from the database
Public propertySnippet
Highlighted snippet of text from this document
Public propertySpatial_Coordinates
Spatial coverage for this title result in terms of coordinates for map display
Public propertyUserNotes
User notes for this title result, if it is in a bookshelf

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )