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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> Bib_Info >> Subject_Standard_Base

Subject_Standard_Base Class

Base class from which the standard subject, title as subject, and name as subject extend

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Bib_Info
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public abstract class Subject_Standard_Base : Subject_Info

Inheritance Hierarchy


Protected methodSubject_Standard_Base
Constructor for a new instance of the standard subject base class


Protected methodAdd_Base_MODS
Add the base MODS section, which includes the topic, genre, geographic, and temporal key words
Public methodAdd_Genre
Add a new genre subject keyword to this subject
Public methodAdd_Geographic
Add a new geographic subject keyword to this subject
Protected methodAdd_ID
Add the XML-formatted ID string to the output stream
(Inherited from XML_Node_Base_Type.)
Protected methodAdd_MODS (Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Protected methodAdd_Source_Indicator
Analyzes this subject to determine the indicator based on the authority/source when converting this subject into the equivalent MARC
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Public methodAdd_Temporal
Add a new temporal subject keyword to this subject
Public methodAdd_Topic
Add a new topical subject keyword to this subject
Public methodClear_Genres
Clear all the genre subject keywords from this subject
Public methodClear_Geographics
Clear all geographic terms from this subject
Public methodClear_Temporals
Clear all the temporal subject keywords from this subject
Public methodClear_Topics
Clear all the topical subject keywords from this subject
Public methodConvert_String_To_XML_Safe
Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string
(Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.)
Public methodTo_Base_String
Write the subject information out to string format
Protected methodto_MARC_HTML (Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Public methodToString
Writes this subject as a simple string
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)


Protected fieldauthority
Protected field stores the authority or source for this subject
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Protected fieldgenres
Protected list of all the genre subject keywords in this complex subject object
Protected fieldgeographics
Protected list of all the geographic subject keywords in this complex subject object
Protected fieldid
Identifier field for this XML node
(Inherited from XML_Node_Base_Type.)
Protected fieldlanguage
Protected field stores the language of this complex subject
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Protected fieldtemporals
Protected list of all the temporal subject keywords in this complex subject object
Protected fieldtopics
Protected list of all the topical subject keywords in this complex subject object


Public propertyActual_ID
Returns the actual id for this node, excluding the special user indicator portion
(Inherited from XML_Node_Base_Type.)
Public propertyAuthority
Gets and sets the uncontrolled authority term
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Public propertyClass_Type
Gets the subject type
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Public propertyGenres
Gets the list of genre subjects
Public propertyGenres_Count
Gets the number of genre subjects
Public propertyGeographics
Gets the list of geographic subjects
Public propertyGeographics_Count
Gets the number of geographic subjects
Public propertyhasData
Gets flag indicating if there is any data in this subject object
Public propertyID
Gets and sets the ID for this XML node
(Inherited from XML_Node_Base_Type.)
Public propertyLanguage
Gets and sets the language for this subject
(Inherited from Subject_Info.)
Public propertyTemporals
Gets the list of temporal subjects
Public propertyTemporals_Count
Gets the number of temporal subjects
Public propertyTopics
Gets the list of topical subjects
Public propertyTopics_Count
Gets the number of topical subjects
Public propertyUser_Submitted
Gets and sets the flag that indicates this node was user-submitted
(Inherited from XML_Node_Base_Type.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )