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SobekCM_Database Class

SobekCM_Database is the main object used to query the database for information

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class SobekCM_Database


This class contains a static constructor and contains mostly static members. Since this is a database class, it does not make sense to have multiple instances to access a single database.

Object created by Mark V Sullivan and Ying Tang (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodSobekCM_Database
Initializes a new instance of the SobekCM_Database class


Public methodStatic memberAdd_External_Record_Number
Adds an external record number to an item group (i.e., OCLC or ALEPH number)
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Minimum_Builder_Information
Pulls the item id, main thumbnail, and aggregation codes and adds them to the resource object
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Past_Workflow
Add a worklog history entry for some previous datetime
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Workflow
Add a worklog entry for a current event
Public methodStatic memberCheck_For_Record_Existence
Checks for similar records within the database
Protected methodStatic memberClear_Item_Metadata
Clears all the metadata associated with a particular item in the database
Protected methodStatic memberClear_Old_Item_Info
Clears all the old information out from the database
Public methodStatic memberCreate_Full_Citation_Value
Causes the database to build the searchable full citation cell for basic searching from all of the discrete metadata elements stored for this item
Public methodStatic memberCurrent_SobekCM_Items
Returns the list of items currently loaded to a SobekCM instance
Public methodStatic memberDelete_QC_Error
Delete the QC error for a single page of an item from the database
Public methodStatic memberDownload_METS
Downloads a METS file from the SobekCM web page
Public methodStatic memberEdit_Disposition_Advice
Update the disposition advice on what to do when the physical material leaves the digitization location
Public methodStatic memberGet_All_Corporations
Get the list of all corporations from the database
Public methodStatic memberGet_All_Regions
Get the list of all regions from the database
Public methodStatic memberGet_ItemID
Gets the item id for an resource in a SobekCM library, by BibID and VID
Public methodStatic memberGet_QC_Errors_For_Item
Get the list of all the QC Page errors for a single item
Public methodStatic memberGetHtmlPage
Retrive html as a string from a web page
Public methodStatic memberis_bibid_format
Gets a flag indicating if the provided string appears to be in bib id format
Public methodStatic memberis_vids_format
Static method to set if a string is a vid VIDS format
Protected methodStatic memberMass_Update_Item_Behaviors
Mass updates the behaviors for all items within a single item group
Public methodStatic memberQC_Update_Item_Info
Updates the relevant item info in the database after QC (main thumbnail info, pagecount, filecount, disksize)
Public methodStatic memberSave_Behaviors
Save all the item behaviors associated with a SobekCM Digital Resource
Public methodStatic memberSave_Digital_Resource(SobekCM_Item, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>))
Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database
Public methodStatic memberSave_Digital_Resource(SobekCM_Item, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>), DateTime, Boolean)
Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item
Stores information about a single digital resource ( existing or new )
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item_Behaviors
Saves the behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item_Behaviors_Minimal
Saves the behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item_Group
Saves the main information about an item group in SobekCM
Public methodStatic memberSave_Item_Group_Web_Skins
Saves the links between an item group and the web skins possible
Public methodStatic memberSave_Item_Internal_Comments
Saves the internal comments related to an item
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item_Metadata
Saves metadata from an item into the tables for searching metadata
Public methodStatic memberSave_Item_OAI
Saves the OAI-PMH data associated with an item
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Item_Ticklers
Saves up to five ticklers for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
Public methodStatic memberSave_Item_Views
Adds up to three additional views for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
Public methodStatic memberSave_New_Digital_Resource
Save a brand new bibliographic item to the SobekCM database
Public methodStatic memberSave_New_Tracking_Box
Saves the tracking box information for a single item
Public methodStatic memberSave_OAI_Information
Saves the OAI-PMH information associated with an item
Public methodStatic memberSave_QC_Error
Save QC error for a single page of a single item
Protected methodStatic memberSave_Serial_Hierarchy
Saves the serial hierarchy and link between an item and an item group
Public methodStatic memberSave_Serial_Hierarchy_Information
Saves the serial hierarchy information for a single item
Public methodStatic memberSet_IP_Restriction_Mask
Saves the IP Restriction mask which determines public, private, or restricted by IP
Public methodStatic memberSet_Item_Visibility
Sets the general visibility and embargo information for a single item
Public methodStatic memberSimple_Item_List
Gets the simple list of items for a single item aggregation, or all of the library
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Get_Archived_Files
Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Born_Digital_Flag
Update the born digital flag for an item
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Digitization_Milestone
Update the digitization milestones
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Disposition
Update the disposition information when the physical material leaves the digitization location
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Item_Group
Saves the basic title information for an item group
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Item_Online_Statistics
Update the physical statistics ( files, pages, size ) of an item
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Material_Received
Update information regarding the receipt of material


Protected fieldStatic memberDisplayErrors
Flag indicates whether a message should be displayed when errors occur.
Protected fieldStatic memberDisplayInnerExceptions
Flag indicates if the text of the internal exception should be included in any message or exception thrown.
Protected fieldStatic memberThrowExceptions
Flag indicates whether exceptions should be thrown


Public propertyStatic memberBib_Length
Gets the length of the bib id
Public propertyStatic memberConnection_String
Gets and sets the connection string to the SobekCM database
Public propertyStatic memberDatabaseType
Gets the type of database ( i.e. MSSQL v. PostgreSQL )
Public propertyStatic memberVids_Length
Gest the lenght of the vids

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )