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MARC_Record Class

Stores all the information from a MARC21 record

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.MARC
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class MARC_Record


Object created by Mark V Sullivan (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodMARC_Record
Constructor for a new instance of the MARC_XML_Record class


Public methodAdd_Error(MARC_Record_Parsing_Error)
Add a new error which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodAdd_Error(MARC_Record_Parsing_Error_Type_Enum)
Add a new error which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodAdd_Error(MARC_Record_Parsing_Error_Type_Enum, String)
Add a new error which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodAdd_Field(MARC_Field)
Adds a new field to this record
Public methodAdd_Field(Int32, String)
Add a new control field to this record
Public methodAdd_Field(Int32, Char, Char)
Add a new data field to this record
Public methodAdd_Field(Int32, String, String)
Add a new data field to this record
Public methodAdd_Warning(MARC_Record_Parsing_Warning)
Add a new warning which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodAdd_Warning(MARC_Record_Parsing_Warning_Type_Enum)
Add a new warning which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodAdd_Warning(MARC_Record_Parsing_Warning_Type_Enum, String)
Add a new warning which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object
Public methodGet_Data_Subfield
Gets data from a particular subfield within a singular data field
Public methodhas_Field
Gets a flag indicating if a particular field exists
Public methodRead_From_MARC_XML_File
Reads the data from a MARC XML file into this record
Public methodRead_MARC_Info
Reads the data from a XML Node Reader
Public methodRemove_Tag
Removes all occurrences of a tag
Public methodSave_MARC_XML
Saves this MARC records as MARC XML
Public methodSave_MARC21
Saves this MARC record as MARC21 Exchange format record data file
Public methodTo_Machine_Readable_Record
Returns a string which represents this record in machine readable record format.
Public methodTo_MARC_XML
Returns this MARC record as MARC XML
Public methodToString
Outputs this record as a string
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)


Public propertyControl_Number
Control number for this record from the 001 field
Public propertyError_Flag
Flag is set if there is an error detected while reading this MARC record from a MARC21 Exchange Format file
Public propertyErrors
Returns the list of erors associated with this MARC record
Public propertyHas_Errors
Returns a flag indicating if there are any errors associated with this record
Public propertyHas_Warnings
Returns a flag indicating if there are any warnings associated with this record
Public propertyItem
Gets the collection of MARC fields, by MARC tag number
Public propertyLeader
Gets or sets the leader portion of this MARC21 Record
Public propertySorted_MARC_Tag_List
Returns a list of all the MARC tags, sorted by tag number and ready to display as a complete MARC record
Public propertyWarnings
Returns the list of warnings associated with this MARC record

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )