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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> METS_Sec_ReaderWriters Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object.METS_Sec_ReaderWriters Namespace

Subreaders used to read a section of metadata encoded in a variety of formats


Public classDAITSS_METS_amdSec_ReaderWriter
DAITSS (Digital Archiving in the Sunshine State) archiving METS subsection reader/writer
Public classDarwinCore_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Taxonomic hierarchy ( DarwinCore) METS subsection reader/writer
Public classDC_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class reads and writes simple dublin core within a METS file
Public classETD_MS_DC_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Special ETD MS dublin core METS section reader/writer
Public classETD_PALMM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class is used to read and write Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) metadata in the PALMM schema, utilized by the State Universities in Florida
Public classETD_SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class is used to read and write Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) metadata in the SobekCM schema
Public classGML_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Geographic Markup Language (GML) reader that operates against a single METS section
Public classLOM_IEEE_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class is used to read the IEEE-LOM learning object metadata from within a SobekCM METS file
Public classMarcXML_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
MARCxml reader that operates against a single METS section
Public classMODS_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Metadata Object Description Standard (MODS) reader that operates against a single METS section
Public classRightsMD_METS_amdSec_ReaderWriter
RightsMD reader that operates against a single METS section
Public classSobekCM_FileInfo_METS_amdSec_ReaderWriter
SobekCM-specific file metadata reader that operates against a single METS section
Public classSobekCM_Map_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class is used to read custom SobekCM map authority information from a METS file section and write back to the METS. This includes streets, features, people, etc..
Public classSobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Reader that operates against a single custom SobekCM descriptive METS section
Public classVRACore_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Class is used to read and write VRACore metadata developed by the Visual Resource Association for visual materials, such as museum artifacts. This reader/writer is used to read and write this data as a dmdSec sections within a METS file.


Public interfaceiDivision_amdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all amdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the administrative metadata portions tied to divisions under the main digital resource
Public interfaceiDivision_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all dmdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the bibliographic metadata portions tied to divisions under the main digital resource
Public interfaceiFile_amdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all amdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the administrative metadata portions tied to files under the main digital resource
Public interfaceiFile_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all dmdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the bibliographic metadata portions tied to files under the main digital resource
Public interfaceiPackage_amdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all amdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the main administrative section for a digital resource
Public interfaceiPackage_dmdSec_ReaderWriter
Interface which must be implemented by all dmdSec reader/writers employed by the METS reader to write the main bibliographic section for a digital resource

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )