| Name | Description |
| Convert_String_To_XML_Safe | Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string (Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.) |
| Include_dmdSec(abstract_TreeNode, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Flag indicates if this active reader/writer will write a dmdSec for this node |
| Include_dmdSec(SobekCM_Item, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Flag indicates if this active reader/writer will write a dmdSec |
| Read_dmdSec(XmlReader, abstract_TreeNode, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Reads the dmdSec at the current position in the XmlTextReader and associates it with
one subsection/division from the METS structure map |
| Read_dmdSec(XmlReader, SobekCM_Item, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Reads the dmdSec at the current position in the XmlTextReader and associates it with the
entire package |
| Schema_Location | Returns the schema location information to be written in the XML/METS Header |
| Schema_Namespace | Returns the schema namespace (xmlns) information to be written in the XML/METS Header |
| Schema_Reference_Required_Division | Flag indicates if this active reader/writer needs to append schema reference information
to the METS XML header by analyzing the contents of the division |
| Schema_Reference_Required_Package | Flag indicates if this active reader/writer needs to append schema reference information
to the METS XML header by analyzing the contents of the digital resource item |
| Write_dmdSec(TextWriter, abstract_TreeNode, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Writes the dmdSec for one subsection/division of the METS structure map |
| Write_dmdSec(TextWriter, SobekCM_Item, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Writes the dmdSec for the entire package to the text writer |