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Tracking_Info Class

Class stores all of the tracking-specific data about a digital resource

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Tracking
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class Tracking_Info


This class is usually empty and is only populate if an internal user or a user who can edit this item looks at an the citation pages online.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodTracking_Info
Constructor for a new instance of the Tracking_Info class


Public methodSet_Tracking_Info
Method to read the tracking information dataset from the SobekCM database and set all the internal values in this object


Public propertyArchive_Media
Datatable holds all the information about any media linked to this item
Public propertyBorn_Digital
Flag indicates this digital resource was born digital, and either never had a physical manifestation or is not derived from a physical manifestation.
Public propertyBorn_Digital_Is_Null
Flag indicates if this material is flagged as being born digital or if that value should currently be considered NULL.
Public propertyDigital_Acquisition_Milestone
First digitization milestone which represents when digital files were acquired from the physical original, or the date the born-digital file was uploaded or created
Public propertyDisposition_Advice
Value advices how the physical material SHOULD BE disposed of after digitization
Public propertyDisposition_Advice_Notes
Notes regarding how this item should be disposed of (i.e., returned to whom, etc..)
Public propertyDisposition_Date
Date the physical material left the office after digitizing
Public propertyDisposition_Notes
Notes regarding how this item was disposed of (i.e., returned to whom, etc..)
Public propertyDisposition_Type
Value indicates how the physical material ACTUALLY WAS disposed of after digitization
Public propertyhasArchiveInformation
Flag indicates if this item has any archive information to display
Public propertyhasHistoryInformation
Flag indicates if this item has any history/worklog information to display
Public propertyhasMediaInformation
Flag indicates if this item has any media information to display
Public propertyImage_Processing_Milestone
Second digitization milestone which represents when digital files were post-acquisition proccessed, for everything from color balance, cropping to copyright blur.
Public propertyInternal_Comments
Gets and sets the internal comments, which accompany this material but do not publicly show online
Public propertyLarge_Format
Flag indicates if the item is considered large format, which will impact the size of the resulting derivative files
Public propertyLast_Milestone
Value indicates which digitization milestone was last met.
Public propertyLocally_Archived
Flag indicates that some of the digital resource files for this item have been locally archived for safe-keeping.
Public propertyMaterial_Rec_Date_Estimated
Flag indicates that any material received date for the physical manifestation of this digital resource is an estimated date only
Public propertyMaterial_Received_Date
Date the physical material was received in the office for digitizing
Public propertyMaterial_Received_Notes
Notes associated with the material receipt
Public propertyNever_Overlay_Record
Flag indicates the originating record was significantly changed during import and the resulting METS files should never be overlayed from the source MARC file
Public propertyOnline_Complete_Milestone
Fourth digitization milestone which represents when digital files were marked as complete and made either public or IP restricted, depending on the intended audience.
Public propertyQuality_Control_Milestone
Third digitization milestone which represents when digital files had quality control performed
Public propertyRemotely_Archived
Flag indicates that some of the digital resource files for this item have been remotely archived for safe-keeping.
Public propertyTrack_By_Month
Flag indicates that this material is generally tracked by month
Public propertyTracking_Box
Indicates the current (or previous) tracking box in which this material was contained and generally stepped through the workflow milestones with
Public propertyTracking_Info_Pulled
Flag indicates if the tracking information ( history, media, and archives ) has been pulled for this item
Public propertyVID_Source
Value which represents how this item was originally added to the database
Public propertyWork_History
Datatable holds all the history/status information for this item

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )