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ResultsServices Class

Endpoint supports services related to search results (or item browses) across the entire instance or a subset of aggregations

Namespace: SobekCM.Engine_Library.Endpoints
Assembly: SobekCM_Engine_Library (in SobekCM_Engine_Library.dll) Version: (


public class ResultsServices : EndpointBase

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodResultsServices
Initializes a new instance of the ResultsServices class


Public methodGet_Search_Results
Performs a search ( or retrieves the search results from the cache ) and outputs the results and search url used
Public methodGet_Search_Results_Legacy
Gets the search results and returns them in the legacy format supported prior to v5.0
Public methodGet_Search_Results_Page
Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse
Public methodGet_Search_Statistics
Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse
Protected methodlegacy_json_display_search_results
Writes the search or browse information in JSON format directly to the output stream
Protected methodlegacy_xml_display_search_results
Display search results in simple XML format
Protected methodSerialize
Serialize the return object, according to the protocol requested
(Inherited from EndpointBase.)
Public methodStatic memberSplit_Clean_Search_Terms_Fields
Takes the search string and search fields from the URL and parses them, according to the search type, into a collection of terms and a collection of fields. Stop words are also suppressed here

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )