Software Execution Path
General HTTP Request
The following path is taken during each HTTP request:
- URL is rewritten by SobekCM_URL_Rewriter
- New SobekCM_Page_Globals object constructed
- Application state is built or validated
- Request is analyzed and SobekCM_Navigation_Object is created
- User check performed or robot filtering performed
- SobekCM_Assistant used to retrieve any data needed for the current mode/submode
- SobekCM_Page_Global creates the appropriate writer for the request
- dataset_writer
- html_echo_writer (for echoing static pages for robots)
- html_writer
- json_writer
- oai_writer
- xml_writer
- If this is a html request, the html writer generates the appropriate subwriter
- collection_html_subwriter
- contact_html_subwriter (for echoing static pages for robots)
- error_html_subwriter
- internal_html_subwriter
- item_html_subwriter
- legacy_url_html_subwriter
- my_sobek_html_subwriter
- preferences_html_subwriter
- print_item_html_subwriter
- public_folder_html_subwriter
- result_dataset_html_subwriter (also employed by some other subwriters)
- simple_text_html_subwriter
- statistics_html_subwriter
Additional Viwer Objects
In addition to this process, several of the subwriters employ additional viewer objects for rendering specific submodes.
- The collection_html_subwriter employs collection viewers
- Admin_CollectionViewer
- Advanced_Search_CollectionViewer
- Basic_Serach_CollectionViewer
- DataSet_Browse_Info_CollectionViewer
- dLOC_Search_CollectionViewer
- Full_Text_Search_CollectionViewer
- Map_Browse_CollectionViewer
- Map_Search_CollectionViewer
- Metadata_Browse_CollectionViewer
- Newspaper_Search_CollectionViewer
- No_Search_CollectionViewer
- Rotating_Highlight_Search_CollectionViewer
- Static_Browse_Info_CollectionViewer
- The item_html_subwriter employs item viewers
- Checked_Out_ItemViewer
- Citation_ItemViewer
- Download_ItemViewer
- EAD_Container_List_ItemViewer
- EAD_Description_ItemViewer
- Feature_ItemViewer
- Flash_ItemViewer
- GnuBooks_PageTurner_ItemViewer
- Google_Map_ItemViewer
- HTML_ItemViewer
- HTML_Map_ItemViewer
- JP2_ItemViewer
- JPEG_ItemViewer
- MultiVolumes_ItemViewer
- PDF_ItemViewer
- Related_Images_ItemViewer
- Restricted_ItemViewer
- Street_ItemViewer
- Text_ItemViewer
- TOC_ItemViewer
- Likewise, the my_sobek_subwriter utliizes mySobek viewers
- Likewise, the result_dataset_html_subwriter utliizes result viewers
Related Resources
Code statistics
This has some basic statistical information for each main library employed by the application
Code architecture (MSDN style)
This has remarks for each namespace, object, property, and method used by the SobekCM digital library.