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Code Details >> Library >> Database >> SobekCM_Database

SobekCM_Database Class

Gateway to the databases used by SobekCM

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.Database
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class SobekCM_Database

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodSobekCM_Database
Initializes a new instance of the SobekCM_Database class


Public methodStatic memberAdd_Description_Tag
Adds a descriptive tag to an existing item by a logged-in user
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Item_To_User_Folder
Adds a digital resource to a user folder, or edits an existing item
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Minimum_Builder_Information
Pulls the item id, main thumbnail, and aggregation codes and adds them to the resource object
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Project_Aggregation_Link
Save the new Project-Aggregation link to the database.
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Project_DefaultMetadata_Link
Save the Project_Default Metadata link to the database
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Project_Item_Link
Save Project, Item link to the database
Public methodStatic memberAdd_Project_Template_Link
Save Project, Input template link to the database
Public methodStatic memberAdd_User_BibID_Link
Add a link between a user and an existing item group (by GroupID)
Public methodStatic memberAdd_User_Item_Link
Add a link between a user and an existing item and include the type of relationship
Public methodStatic memberAdmin_Update_Cached_Aggregation_Metadata_Links
Updates the cached links between aggregationPermissions and metadata, used by larger collections
Public methodStatic memberBuilder_Add_Log_Entry
Add a new log entry for the builder
Public methodStatic memberBuilder_Clear_Item_Error_Log
Clears the item error log associated with a particular bibid / vid
Public methodStatic memberBuilder_Expire_Log_Entries
Expire older builder logs which can be removed from the system
Public methodStatic memberBuilder_Get_Error_Logs
Gets the list of build errors that have been encountered between two dates
Public methodStatic memberChange_Password
Change an existing user's password
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Aggregation_Alias
Deletes an item aggregation alias by alias code
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Default_Metadata
Deletes an existing default metadata
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Description_Tag
Delete's a user's descriptive tage
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Icon
Deletes an existing wordmark/icon if it is not linked to any titles in the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_IP_Range
Delete a complete IP range group
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Item_Aggregation
Delete an item aggregation from the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Item_From_User_Folder
Remove an item from the user's folder
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Item_From_User_Folders
Remove an item from any user folder it currently resides in (besides Submitted Items)
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Project_Aggregation_Link
Delete Project, Aggregation Link from the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Project_DefaultMetadata_Link
Delete the Project, default metadata link from the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Project_Item_Link
Delete a Project, Item link from the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Project_Template_Link
Delete a project, CompleteTemplate link from the database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Setting
Delete a value from the settings table
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Single_IP
Deletes a single IP address information from an IP restriction range
Public methodStatic memberDelete_SobekCM_Item
Deletes an item from the SobekCM database
Public methodStatic memberDelete_URL_Portal
Delete a URL Portal from the database, by primary key
Public methodStatic memberDelete_User_Folder
Deletes a folder from a user
Public methodStatic memberDelete_User_Group
Deletes a user group, if there are no users attached and if it is not a special group
Public methodStatic memberDelete_User_Search
Deletes a user search from the collection of saved searches
Public methodStatic memberDelete_Web_Skin
Deletes a HTML web skin fromo the database
Public methodStatic memberEdit_IP_Range
Edits an existing IP restriction range, or adds a new one
Public methodStatic memberEdit_Single_IP
Adds or edits a single IP address information in an IP restriction range
Public methodStatic memberEdit_URL_Portal
Edit an existing URL Portal or add a new URL portal, by primary key
Public methodStatic memberEdit_User_Folder
Edit an existing user folder, or add a new user folder
Public methodStatic memberFDA_Report_Save(FDA_Report_Data)
Saves all the pertinent information from a received Florida Digital Archive (FDA) ingest report
Public methodStatic memberFDA_Report_Save(String, String, String, DateTime, String, String, Int32, String, String, String)
Save the information about a FDA report to the database
Public methodStatic memberGet_Aggregation_Build_Log
Gets the build log for a particular aggregation
Public methodStatic memberGet_Aggregation_Change_Log
Public methodStatic memberGet_Aggregation_Statistics_History
Returns the month-by-month usage statistics details by item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberGet_Aggregation_User_Permissions
Public methodStatic memberGet_AggregationCode_From_CID
Gets aggregation code from CID in aggregation description
Public methodStatic memberGet_Aggregations_By_ProjectID
Get the list of Aggregation IDs associated with a project
Public methodStatic memberGet_All_Groups_First_VID
Get the list of groups, with the top item (VID)
Public methodStatic memberGet_All_Items_By_AggregationID
Gets the list of unique coordinate points and associated bibid and group title for a single item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberGet_All_Users
Gets the datatable of all users from the mySobek / personalization database
Public methodStatic memberGet_BibID_VID_From_Identifier
Pulls the BibID, VID via the Identifier
Public methodStatic memberGet_Codes_Item_Aggregations
Gets the datatable of all item aggregation codes
Public methodStatic memberGet_CollectionList_ReadyToBuild
Get a list of collections which have new items and are ready to be built
Public methodStatic memberGet_Folder_Search_Information
Gets basic information about all the folders and searches saved for a single user
Public methodStatic memberGet_Global_User_Permissions
Get the list of users that have top-level permissions, such as editing all items, being an admin, deleting all items, or a power user
Public methodStatic memberGet_Global_User_Permissions_Aggregations_Links
Get the list of users and for each user the list of aggregations they have special rights over (wither by user or through user group )
Public methodStatic memberGet_Global_User_Permissions_Linked_Aggregations
Get the list of aggregations that have special rights given to some users
Public methodStatic memberGet_Global_User_Permissions_Submission_Rights
Get the list of users, with informaiton about the templates and default metadata, that can submit material to this instance
Public methodStatic memberGet_GroupID_From_BibID
Returns the primary key for this item group, identified by bibliographic identifier
Public methodStatic memberGet_IP_Restriction_Range_Details
Gets the details for a single IP restriction ranges, including each single IP and the complete notes associated with the range
Public methodStatic memberGet_IP_Restriction_Ranges
Gets the list of all the IP ranges for restriction, including each single IP information in those ranges
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Aggregation_Count(Int32, Custom_Tracer)
Gets the current title, item, and page count for each item aggregation in the item aggregation hierarchy
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Aggregation_Count(DateTime, Int32, Custom_Tracer)
Gets the title, item, and page count for each item aggregation currently and at some previous point of time
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Aggregation_Count_DateRange
Gets the title, item, and page count for each item aggregation currently and at some previous point of time
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Aggregation_Milestone
Gets all the milestones for a single item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_List
Gets the dataset of all public items and item groups
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Restrictions
Determines what restrictions are present on an item
Public methodStatic memberGet_Item_Statistics_History
Returns the month-by-month usage statistics details by item and item group
Public methodStatic memberGet_ItemID_From_Bib_VID
Pulls the item id by BibID / VID
Public methodStatic memberGet_Metadata_Fields
Gets the list of metadata fields searchable in the database, along with field number
Public methodStatic memberGet_Metadata_Name_From_MetadataTypeID
Gets the human readable name of a metadate id
Public methodStatic memberGet_Multiple_Volumes
Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID
Public methodStatic memberGet_OAI_Data
Returns a list of either identifiers or records for either the entire system or a single set, to be served through the OAI-PMH server
Public methodStatic memberGet_OAI_Record
Returns a single OAI-PMH record, by identifier ( BibID and VID )
Public methodStatic memberGet_OAI_Sets
Gets the list of all OAI-enabled item aggregationPermissions
Public methodStatic memberGet_Page_Item_Count_History
Gets the item and page count loaded to this digital library by month and year
Public methodStatic memberGet_Public_User_Folder
Gets the information about a folder which should be public
Public methodStatic memberGet_Settings
Gets the values from the builder settings table in the database
Public methodStatic memberGet_User_Group
Gets the information about a single user group
Public methodStatic memberGet_User_Searches
Gets the list of all saved user searches and any user comments
Public methodStatic memberLink_User_To_User_Group
Links a single user to a user group
Public methodStatic memberLookup_Item_By_ItemID
Gets some basic information about an item before displaing it, such as the descriptive notes from the database, ability to add notes, etc..
Public methodStatic memberOnline_Archived_Space
Gets the size of the online files and the size of the archived files, by aggregation
Public methodStatic memberReset_User_Password
Sets a user's password to the newly provided one
Public methodStatic memberSave_Aggregation_Alias
Saves a item aggregation alias for future use
Public methodStatic memberSave_Default_Metadata
Saves a new default metadata set, or edits an existing default metadata name
Public methodStatic memberSave_Icon(String, String, String, String, Custom_Tracer)
Saves information about a new icon/wordmark or modify an existing one
Public methodStatic memberSave_Icon(String, String, String, Int32, String, Custom_Tracer)
Saves information about a new icon/wordmark or modify an existing one
Public methodStatic memberSave_Item_Aggregation_Milestone
Add a new milestone to an existing item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberSave_Project
Save a new, or edit an existing Project in the database
Public methodStatic memberSave_Serial_Hierarchy
Saves the serial hierarchy and link between an item and an item group
Public methodStatic memberSave_Template
Saves a new template, or edits an existing template name
Public methodStatic memberSave_User
Saves information about a single user
Public methodStatic memberSave_User_Group
Sets some of the basic information and global permissions values for a single user group
Public methodStatic memberSave_User_Search
Saves a search to the user's saved searches
Public methodStatic memberSave_Web_Skin
Saves a HTML skin to the database
Public methodStatic memberSet_Aggregation_NewItem_Flag
method used to set the new items flag of a specified item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberSet_Item_Main_Thumbnail
Sets the main thumbnail for a given digital resource
Public methodStatic memberSet_Setting
Sets a value in the settings table
Public methodStatic memberSet_User_Receive_Stats_Email
Updates the flag that indicates the user would like to receive a monthly usage statistics email
Public methodStatic memberSet_User_Setting
Sets a value for an individual user's setting
Public methodStatic memberStatistics_Aggregation_Titles
Pulls the most often hit titles and items, by item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberStatistics_By_Date_Range
Pulls the complete usage statistics, broken down by each level of the item aggregation hierarchy, between two dates
Public methodStatic memberTest_Connection()()()()
Test connectivity to the database
Public methodStatic memberTest_Connection(String)
Test connectivity to the database
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Add_File_Archive_Log
Add information about a single file to the archived TIVOLI
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Archive_Complete
Adds a worklog that items were archived (tivoli)'d for a specific item
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Complete_File_Request
Completes a given archive tivoli file request in the database
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Get_Archived_Files
Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Outstanding_File_Requests
Gets the list of outstanding archive (tivoli) file requests
Public methodStatic memberTivoli_Request_File
Requests a package or file from the archives/tivoli
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Delete_Workflow
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Digital_Acquisition_Complete
Marks an item as been digitally acquired
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Aggregation_Private_Items
Gets the list of all private and dark items linked to an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_All_Entries_By_User
Gets all tracking workflow entries created by a single user
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_History_Archives
Gets the history and archive information about a single item from the tracking database
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse
Gets the collection of all items linked to an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Item_Info_from_ItemID
Gets the corresponding BibID, VID for a given itemID
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Milestone_Report
Gets the high level report of which items exist in which milestone for an aggregation
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Open_Workflows
Gets the related workflows for an item by ItemID
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Scanners_List
Gets the list of users who are Scanning or Processing Technicians
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Get_Users_Scanning_Processing
Gets the list of users who are Scanning or Processing Technicians
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Image_Processing_Complete
Marks an item as been image processed
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Items_By_ALEPH_Number
Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given ALEPH number
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Items_By_OCLC_Number
Returns the list of all items/titles which match a given OCLC number
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Load_Metadata_Update_Complete
Marks an item as having a metadata update loaded by the bulk loader
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Load_New_Complete
Marks an item as having been loaded as a new item by the bulk loader
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Load_Replacement_Complete
Marks an item as having been loaded as a replacement item by the bulk loader
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Metadata_Exact_Search
Performs a metadata search for a piece of metadata that EXACTLY matches the provided search term
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Metadata_Search(String, String)
Performs a basic metadata search over the entire citation, given a search condition
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Metadata_Search(String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Int32, String)
Perform a metadata search against items in the database
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Multiple_Volumes
Gets the list of all items within this item group, indicated by BibID, including additional information for the SMaRT tracking application
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Online_Submit_Complete
Marks an item as having been submitted online
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Save_New_Workflow
Save a new workflow entry during tracking
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Update_List
Gets the list of all items which have been modified in this library from the history/workflow information over the last week
Public methodStatic memberTracking_Update_Workflow
Update an already saved tracking workflow entry
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag
Update the additional work neeed flag, which flag an item for additional follow up work in the builder
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_Item_Aggregation
Updates an existing item aggregation's data that appears in the basic edit aggregation form
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User
Sets some of the permissions values for a single user
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_Aggregations
Sets the list of aggregationPermissions and permissions tagged to a given user
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_DefaultMetadata
Sets the list of default metadata sets possible for a given user
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_Group_Aggregations
Sets the list of aggregationPermissions and permissions tagged to a given user group
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_Group_DefaultMetadata
Sets the list of default metadata sets possible for a given user group
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_Group_Templates
Sets the list of templates possible for a given user group
Public methodStatic memberUpdate_SobekCM_User_Templates
Sets the list of templates possible for a given user
Public methodStatic memberUser_Set_Aggregation_Home_Page_Flag
Sets the flag indicating an aggregation should appear on a user's home page
Public methodStatic memberUserName_Exists
Checks to see if a username or email exist
Public methodStatic memberView_Tags_By_Aggregation
List all descriptive tags added by a single user
Public methodStatic memberView_Tags_By_User
List all descriptive tags added by a single user


Public propertyStatic memberAll_Possible_Disposition_Types
Gets the datatable containging all possible disposition types
Public propertyStatic memberAll_Tracking_Boxes
Get the list of all tracking boxes from the database
Public propertyStatic memberAll_WorkFlow_Types
Gets the datatable containging all work flow types
Public propertyStatic memberCollectionBuild_Script
Gets the script from the database used for collection building
Public propertyStatic memberConnection_String
Connection string to the main SobekCM databaase
Public propertyStatic memberDatabaseType
Gets the type of database ( i.e. MSSQL v. PostgreSQL )
Public propertyStatic memberItems_Needing_Aditional_Work
Gets the list of all items currently flagged for needing additional work
Public propertyStatic memberItems_Pending_Online_Complete
Gets the list of items that were recently quality control accepted and still need to be set to PUBLIC or RESTRICTED online
Public propertyStatic memberLast_Exception
Gets the last exception caught by a database call through this gateway class
Public propertyStatic memberMarcXML_Production_Feed_Records
Gets list of item groups (BibID's) for inclusion in the production MarcXML load
Public propertyStatic memberMarcXML_Test_Feed_Records
Gets list of item groups (BibID's) for inclusion in the test MarcXML load
Public propertyStatic memberNewspapers_Without_Serial_Info
Gets the report of all newspaper items which do not have serial information

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )