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Code Details >> Library >> AdminViewer >> Settings_AdminViewer

Settings_AdminViewer Class

Class allows an authenticated system admin to view and edit the library-wide system settings in this library

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.AdminViewer
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class Settings_AdminViewer : abstract_AdminViewer


This class extends the abstract_AdminViewer class.

MySobek Viewers are used for registration and authentication with mySobek, as well as performing any task which requires authentication, such as online submittal, metadata editing, and system administrative tasks.

During a valid html request, the following steps occur:
  • Application state is built/verified by the Application_State_Builder
  • Request is analyzed by the QueryString_Analyzer and output as a Navigation_Object
  • Main writer is created for rendering the output, in his case the Html_MainWriter
  • The HTML writer will create the necessary subwriter. Since this action requires authentication, an instance of the MySobek_HtmlSubwriter class is created.
  • The mySobek subwriter creates an instance of this viewer to show the library-wide system settings in this digital library

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodSettings_AdminViewer
Constructor for a new instance of the Thematic_Headings_AdminViewer class


Public methodAdd_Controls
Add controls directly to the form in the main control area placeholder
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodAdd_Popup_HTML
Add the HTML to be added near the top of the page for those viewers that implement pop-up forms for data retrieval
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodWrite_HTML
Add the HTML to be displayed in the main SobekCM viewer area
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Write_HTML(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Closing
This is an opportunity to write HTML directly into the main form, without using the pop-up html form architecture
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Write_ItemNavForm_Closing(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Opening
This is an opportunity to write HTML directly into the main form before any controls are placed in the main place holder
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodWrite_Within_HTML_Head
Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)


Protected fieldRequestSpecificValues
Protected field contains the information specific to the current request
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)


Public propertyContainer_CssClass
Gets the CSS class of the container that the page is wrapped within
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Container_CssClass.)
Public propertyContains_Popup_Forms
Property indicates if this mySobek viewer can contain pop-up forms
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyRequires_Logged_In_User
Flag indicates if a user must be logged in to access this admin or mySobek view.
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyStandard_Navigation_Type
Navigation type to be displayed (mostly used by the mySobek viewers)
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyUpload_File_Possible
Returns a flag indicating whether the file upload specific holder in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden/omitted.
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyViewer_Behaviors
Gets the collection of special behaviors which this admin or mySobek viewer requests from the main HTML subwriter.
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Viewer_Behaviors.)
Public propertyViewer_Icon
Gets the URL for the icon related to this administrative task
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Viewer_Icon.)
Public propertyWeb_Title
Title for the page that displays this viewer, this is shown in the search box at the top of the page, just below the banner
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Web_Title.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )