| Name | Description |
 | Admin_Type | Admin type of display for the current request. |
 | Aggregation | Current aggregation code |
 | Aggregation_Alias | Current aggregation alias code, if there is one |
 | Aggregation_Type | Submode for agrgegation views |
 | Base_Design_URL | URL to this application's design folder |
 | Base_Skin | Base infterface interface for display purposes |
 | Base_Skin_Or_Skin | Base infterface interface for display purposes |
 | Base_URL | Base URL requested by the user |
 | BibID | Bib id to display |
 | Browser_Type | Browser type |
 | Caught_Exception | Exception generated during execution |
 | Coordinates | Coordinate search string for a geographic search |
 | DateRange_Date1 | Beginning of a date range, if the search includes
a date range between two arbitrary dates |
 | DateRange_Date2 | End of a date range, if the search includes
a date range between two arbitrary dates |
 | DateRange_Year1 | Beginning of the year range, if the search includes
a date range between two years |
 | DateRange_Year2 | End of the year range, if the search includes
a date range between two years |
 | Default_Aggregation | Default aggregation (based on original URL) |
 | Default_Language | Default language for this user, from their browser settings |
 | Default_Skin | Default interface (based on original URL) |
 | Error_Message | Simple error message generated during execution |
 | FolderID | Primary key for the folder to display |
 | Fragment | Fragment utilized when only a portion of a page needs to be rendered |
 | Home_Type | Submode for the main library home page |
 | Info_Browse_Mode | Browse or info mode to display |
 | Instance_Abbreviation | Returns the name of this instance ( i.e., 'UDC', 'dLOC', etc... ) |
 | Instance_Name | Returns the name of this instance ( i.e., 'UDC', 'dLOC', etc... ) |
 | Internal_Type | Submode for the internal pages |
 | Invalid_Item | Flag that is set to indicate item requested is invalid |
 | Is_Robot | Flag indicating if the current request is from a search engine
indexer or web site crawler bot. |
 | isPostBack | Flag indicating this is a post back |
 | ItemID_DEPRECATED | (DEPRECATED) ItemID which formerly was used for indicating items in the URL |
 | Language | Language for the interface |
 | Language_Code | Language code for the current skin language |
 | Logon_Required | Flag indicates that logon is required to access the requested mode |
 | Missing | Flag indicates if the requested web content page (or item) is not present (possibly a bad URL) |
 | Mode | Mode determined by parsing the query string |
 | My_Sobek_SubMode | mySobek submode for the current request. |
 | My_Sobek_Type | mySobek type of display for the current request. |
 | Page | Page number to be displayed (either for an item or for results ) |
 | Page_By_FileName | Filename indicated in the URL to allow direct link by page file name, rather than sequence |
 | Portal_PURL | Gets the PURL associated with this portal which should be used for building permanent links for items |
 | Redirect | If this found a web content redirect in the system, the URL that this should be redirected to |
 | Remaining_Url_Segments | Remaining, unaccounted for, URL segments |
 | Report_Name | Name of the report requested from the reporting module |
 | Request_Completed | Flag indicates if the request was completed, so no further
operations should occur |
 | Result_Display_Type | Submode for the results display |
 | Return_URL | Return url value from the url string |
 | Search_Fields | Search fields |
 | Search_Precision | Precision to be used while performing a metadata search in the database |
 | Search_String | Search string |
 | Search_Type | Submode for searching |
 | Show_Selection_Panel | Flag which determines if the selection panel is shown
for an aggregation search |
 | Size_Of_Thumbnails | Size of Thumbnails to appear in the related items viewer |
 | Skin | Current skin for display purposes |
 | Skin_In_URL | Flag which indicates the interface is indicated in the URL and query string |
 | Sort | Sort type employed for displaying result sets |
 | Statistics_Type | Submode for the statistics pages |
 | SubAggregation | Information about which sub aggregationPermissions to include or exclude
during a collection group search |
 | SubPage | Sub page number to be displayed (either for an item or for results ) |
 | Text_Search | String to use for a single-item text search |
 | Thumbnails_Per_Page | Thumbnails per page to appear in the related images item viewer |
 | TOC_Display | TOC Display flag, which indicates whether to display the table of contents in the item viewer |
 | Trace_Flag | Trace flag which indicates whether to display the trace route |
 | Trace_Flag_Simple | Simplified flag for displaying the trace route |
 | VID | Volume id to display |
 | ViewerCode | Viewer code which indicates which viewer to use when displaying
a single item in the item writer. |
 | Watermarks_URL | URL for the watermarks/icons under the design folder |
 | WebContent_Type | Webcontent type of display for the current request |
 | WebContentID | Primary key to the web content object selected |
 | Writer_Type | Writer type to be employed for rendering |