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Html_MainWriter Class

Main writer writes the HTML response to a user's request

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.MainWriters
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class Html_MainWriter : abstractMainWriter


This class extends the abstract class abstractMainWriter.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodHtml_MainWriter
Constructor for a new instance of the Html_MainWriter class


Public methodAdd_Controls
Perform all the work of adding to the response stream back to the web user
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Add_Controls(PlaceHolder, PlaceHolder, Custom_Tracer).)
Protected methodDisplay_Footer
Writes the footer directly to the output stream writer provided
Protected methodDisplay_Header
Writes the header directly to the output stream writer
Public methodGet_Body_Attributes
Gets the body attributes to include within the BODY tag of the main HTML response document
Public methodGet_Page_Title
Gets the title to use for this web page, based on the current request mode
Public methodWrite_Additional_HTML
Writes additional HTML to the output stream just before the main place holder but after the TocPlaceHolder in the itemNavForm form.
Public methodWrite_Final_HTML
Writes any final HTML needed after the main place holder directly to the output stream
Public methodWrite_Html
Perform all the work of adding text directly to the response stream back to the web user
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Write_Html(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Closing
Writes final HTML to the output stream after all the placeholders and just before the itemNavForm is closed.
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Opening
Writes the html to the output stream open the itemNavForm, which appears just before the TocPlaceHolder
Public methodWrite_Within_HTML_Head
Writes the style references and other data to the HEAD portion of the web page


Protected fieldRequestSpecificValues
Protected field contains the information specific to the current request
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)


Public propertyFile_Upload_Possible
Returns a flag indicating whether the file upload specific holder in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..File_Upload_Possible.)
Public propertyInclude_Main_Place_Holder
Returns a flag indicating whether the additional place holder ( "mainPlaceHolder" ) in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Include_Main_Place_Holder.)
Public propertyInclude_Navigation_Form
Returns a flag indicating if the current request requires the navigation form in the main ASPX application page, or whether all the html is served directly to the output stream, without the need of this form or any controls added to it
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Include_Navigation_Form.)
Public propertyInclude_TOC_Place_Holder
Returns a flag indicating whether the additional table of contents place holder ( "tocPlaceHolder" ) in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Include_TOC_Place_Holder.)
Public propertyWriter_Type
Gets the enumeration of the type of main writer
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Writer_Type.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )