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Oai_MainWriter Class

Main writer writes browses in OAI-PMH format

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.MainWriters
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class Oai_MainWriter : abstractMainWriter


This class extends the abstract class abstractMainWriter.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodOai_MainWriter
Constructor for a new instance of the Oai_MainWriter class


Public methodAdd_Controls
Perform all the work of adding to the response stream back to the web user
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)
Protected methodGetRecord
Gets the OAI-PMH m,etadata for a single digital resource, by identifier
Protected methodIdentify
Identifies the information about this OAI-PMH server
Protected methodListIdentifiers
Lists all of the identifiers within a particular OAI-PMH set
Protected methodListMetadataFormats
Gets the metadata formats available for either the entire set or a single item, by identifier.
Protected methodListRecords
Lists all the records associated with a certain OAI-PMH set
Protected methodListSets
Lists all of the sets available for OAI-PMH harvesting
Protected methodWrite_Error
Write the OAI-PMH error in the correct (OAI-PMH) format
Public methodWrite_Html
Perform all the work of adding text directly to the response stream back to the web user
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Write_Html(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Protected methodWrite_OAI_ListRecords
Lists all the records associated with a single OAI-PMH set


Protected fieldRequestSpecificValues
Protected field contains the information specific to the current request
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)


Public propertyFile_Upload_Possible
Returns a flag indicating whether the file upload specific holder in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)
Public propertyInclude_Main_Place_Holder
Returns a flag indicating whether the additional place holder ( "mainPlaceHolder" ) in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)
Public propertyInclude_Navigation_Form
Returns a flag indicating whether the navigation form should be included in the page
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)
Public propertyInclude_TOC_Place_Holder
Returns a flag indicating whether the additional table of contents place holder ( "tocPlaceHolder" ) in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden.
(Inherited from abstractMainWriter.)
Public propertyWriter_Type
Gets the enumeration of the type of main writer
(Overrides abstractMainWriter..::..Writer_Type.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )