| Name | Description |
 | Author | Author (display version) associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | BibID | Bibliographic identifier (BibID) associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | COinS_OpenURL | COinS OpenURL format of citation for citation sharing |
 | DID | Unique identifier for the digital object for this single result from a search within this library |
 | Donor | Donor's name associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Edition | Edition associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Format | Format/Physical Description associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | GroupThumbnail | Group-wide thumbnail for this title result |
 | GroupTitle | Group title for this title result |
 | HoldingLocation | Holding location associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Institution | Institution associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | IP_Restriction_Mask | IP restriction mask for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Item_Count | Gets the number of items contained within this title result |
 | Item_Tree | Gets the item tree view used for showing all the items under this title in a tree type html display |
 | Level1_Index | Index of the first serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Level1_Text | Text of the first serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Level2_Index | Index of the second serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Level2_Text | Text of the second serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Level3_Index | Index of the third serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Level3_Text | Text of the third serial hierarchy level for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Link | External URL for this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | MainThumbnail | Main thumbnail associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Material | Materials used in creation of a search result from a search within this library |
 | MaterialType | Material type associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Measurement | Measurements for this single result from a search within this library |
 | Metadata_Display_Values | Metadata values to display for this item title result |
 | OCLC_Number | OCLC associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | OPAC_Number | Local OPAC number associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | PageCount | Number of pages within this item within a title within a collection of results |
 | Primary_Identifier | Primary alternate identifier for this resource |
 | Primary_Identifier_Type | Type of the primary alternate identifier for this resource ( i.e. 'Accession Number', etc.. ) |
 | PubDate | Publication date associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Publisher | Publisher (display version) associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Snippet | Highlighted snippet of text from this document |
 | SourceInstitution | Source institution associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Spatial_Coordinates | Spatial coverage for this title result in terms of coordinates for map display |
 | Spatial_Coverage | Spatial coverage associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Spatial_KML | Spatial coverage as KML for this item within a title result for map display |
 | Style_Period | Style/period associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Subjects | Subjects associated with this title result |
 | Technique | Technique associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | Title | Main title associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | URL | URL associated with this single result from a search within this library |
 | UserNotes | User notes for this title result, if it is in a bookshelf |
 | VID | Volume identifier (VID) associated with this single result from a search within this library |