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Code Details >> Library >> AdminViewer >> WebContent_Usage_AdminViewer

WebContent_Usage_AdminViewer Class

Class allows an administrator to view overall usage across all web content pages

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.AdminViewer
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class WebContent_Usage_AdminViewer : abstract_AdminViewer


This class extends the abstract_AdminViewer class.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodWebContent_Usage_AdminViewer
Constructor for a new instance of the WebContent_Usage_AdminViewer class


Public methodAdd_Controls
Add controls directly to the form in the main control area placeholder
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodAdd_Popup_HTML
Add the HTML to be added near the top of the page for those viewers that implement pop-up forms for data retrieval
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodWrite_HTML
Add the HTML to be displayed in the main SobekCM viewer area (outside of the forms)
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Write_HTML(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Closing
This is an opportunity to write HTML directly into the main form, without using the pop-up html form architecture
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Write_ItemNavForm_Closing(TextWriter, Custom_Tracer).)
Public methodWrite_ItemNavForm_Opening
This is an opportunity to write HTML directly into the main form before any controls are placed in the main place holder
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public methodWrite_Within_HTML_Head
Write any additional values within the HTML Head of the final served page
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)


Protected fieldRequestSpecificValues
Protected field contains the information specific to the current request
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)


Public propertyContainer_CssClass
Gets the CSS class of the container that the page is wrapped within
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Container_CssClass.)
Public propertyContains_Popup_Forms
Property indicates if this mySobek viewer can contain pop-up forms
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyRequires_Logged_In_User
Flag indicates if a user must be logged in to access this admin or mySobek view.
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyStandard_Navigation_Type
Navigation type to be displayed (mostly used by the mySobek viewers)
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyUpload_File_Possible
Returns a flag indicating whether the file upload specific holder in the itemNavForm form will be utilized for the current request, or if it can be hidden/omitted.
(Inherited from abstract_AdminViewer.)
Public propertyViewer_Behaviors
Gets the collection of special behaviors which this admin or mySobek viewer requests from the main HTML subwriter.
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Viewer_Behaviors.)
Public propertyViewer_Icon
Gets the URL for the icon related to this administrative task
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Viewer_Icon.)
Public propertyWeb_Title
Title for the page that displays this viewer, this is shown in the search box at the top of the page, just below the banner
(Overrides abstract_AdminViewer..::..Web_Title.)

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )