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Code Details >> Library >> ItemViewer >> Viewers >> HTML_ItemViewer_Prototyper

HTML_ItemViewer_Prototyper Class

HTML item viewer prototyper, which is used to check to see if there is a HTML file to display, to create the link in the main menu, and to create the viewer itself if the user selects that option

Namespace: SobekCM.Library.ItemViewer.Viewers
Assembly: SobekCM_Library (in SobekCM_Library.dll) Version: (


public class HTML_ItemViewer_Prototyper : iItemViewerPrototyper

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodHTML_ItemViewer_Prototyper
Constructor for a new instance of the HTML_ItemViewer_Prototyper class


Public methodAdd_Menu_items
Gets the menu items related to this viewer that should be included on the main item (digital resource) menu
Public methodCreate_Viewer
Creates and returns the an instance of the HTML_ItemViewer class for showing an HTML source file that is loaded locally with the digital resource during execution of a single HTTP request.
Public methodHas_Access
Flag indicates if the current user has access to this viewer for the item
Public methodInclude_Viewer
Indicates if the specified item matches the basic requirements for this viewer, or if this viewer should be ignored for this item
Public methodOverride_On_Checkout
Flag indicates if this viewer should be override on checkout


Public propertyFileExtensions
If this viewer is tied to certain files existing in the digital resource, this lists all the possible file extensions this supports (from the configuration file usually)
Public propertyViewerCode
Code for this viewer, which can also be set from the configuration information
Public propertyViewerType
Name of this viewer, which matches the viewer name from the database and in the configuration files as well. This is actually populate by the configuration information

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )