SobekCM.Core.Users Namespace
Contains all the data about a single authenticated user including all the top-level permissions granted and aggregation-specific permissions.
| Class | Description |
 | Public_User_Folder | This represents the public folder for a user for display by any user. |
 | User_Aggregation_Permissions | Maintains a list of item aggregationPermissions, along with the rights the current user
has over items in that aggregation and the actual item aggregation pages |
 | User_Folder | Represents a single folder in the folder hierarchy for this user |
 | User_Group | Represents a mySobek user group, which allows some permissions and information to be assigned
to a collection of individual mySobek users. This contains all the information about a single user group |
 | User_Group_Member | Represents a single user which is part of a user group. This contains only the very
basic user information |
 | User_Object | Represents a single mySobek user, including personal information, permissions,
and preferences. |
 | User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum_Converter | Static helper class is used to convert strings to the enumeration for
the user object attribute mapping |
 | User_Permissioned_Aggregation | Holds the basic data about aggregationPermissions which may be editable by a user. These objects are
institutions, collections, subcollections, etc.. |