SobekCM.Core.Results Namespace
Classes hold the search result information returned from a database or solr/lucene search
| Class | Description |
 | Multiple_Paged_Results_Args | Arguments returned from a search or browse against the SobekCM database which can potentially
return both the requested page of results, as well as a number of pages ahead for caching and quick retrieval
should the user desire to move forward in the set of results |
 | Private_Items_List | Class contains the list of all private items within an item aggregation, for display from the internal header |
 | Private_Items_List_Item | A single private item, used for display of all private items within
an item aggreation, from the internal header |
 | Private_Items_List_Title | A single title which has private items, used for display of all private items within
an item aggreation, from the internal header |
 | Results_Arguments | Arguments used to indicate the currently requested search result information |
 | Search_Facet | Class holds the basic information about a single facet -- the facet and the frequency. |
 | Search_Facet_Aggregation | Class holds the specialized aggregation facets, which also includes the aggregation code |
 | Search_Facet_Collection | Single collection of facets, representing a single metadata type
(i.e., all genre terms for a search, or all subbject/keywords related to a result set, etc.. ) |
 | Search_Result_Item_Tree | Sorted tree is a small tree structure which sorts each of its main nodes (and then children nodes)
by a value and allows a single node from the entire tree can be pulled by value. |
 | Search_Result_Item_TreeNode | Tree node object for a sorted tree which sorts each of its main nodes (and then children nodes)
by a value and allows a single node from the entire tree can be pulled by value |
 | Search_Results_Statistics | Contains all the top-level information about a set of search results, while not containing any of the actual pages of results |
 | Single_Paged_Results_Args | Arguments returned from a search or browse against the SobekCM database which will only include a single
page of results, without any page lookahead |
| Interface | Description |
 | iSearch_Item_Result | Interface which any class that contains the required display and identification
information for a single item (within a title) within a set of results. |
 | iSearch_Title_Result | Interface which any class that contains the required display and identification
information for a single title within a set of results. |