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Code Details >> Core >> BriefItem Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Core.BriefItem Namespace

Brief item object is used to pass information about a single digital resource to the ui-layer via the engine. While this retains most the information from the SobekCM_Item class, the data is somewhat simplified and normalized when passed out via the REST API.


Public classBriefItem_Behaviors
Specification of how this item should behave within this library
Public classBriefItem_BehaviorViewer
Viewer tied to this item
Public classBriefItem_CitationResponse
Citation-only brief item, primarily used for serialization
Public classBriefItem_Coordinate_Circle
A single point in the coordinate grid, with latitude and longitude and optionally altitude
Public classBriefItem_Coordinate_Line
Geographic information in the form of a line comprised of two or more coordinate points
Public classBriefItem_Coordinate_Point
A single point in the coordinate grid, with latitude and longitude and optionally altitude
Public classBriefItem_Coordinate_Polygon
Geographic information in the form of a polygon comprised of several coordinate points
Public classBriefItem_DescriptiveTerm
Single value for a descriptive term/type within a brief item, ususally used for the citation
Public classBriefItem_DescTermValue
A single value for a metadata term, which may also have a collection of URIs referenced
Public classBriefItem_ExtensionData
Information passed from an extension (or non-standard metadata module)
Public classBriefItem_File
Information about a single file within a digital resource
Public classBriefItem_FileGrouping
Set of files grouped together, traditionally as a page or a set of downloads that are very related
Public classBriefItem_GeoSpatial
Extension metadata module contains geo-spatial coordinate information, such as map coverage and points or areas of interest
Public classBriefItem_Namespace
Namespace definition used within the brief item (generally within the citation)
Public classBriefItem_Related_Titles
Class represents titles which are related to the current title in the SobekCM database, and utilized as the transfer object for the SobekCM engine
Public classBriefItem_TocElement
Single element from within a TOC (table of contents)
Public classBriefItem_Web
Shortcuts that are used just for display of this item within the web
Public classBriefItemInfo
Brief item object used throughout the UI library to display item information, item documents, pages, etc..


Public interfaceIBriefItemMapper
Interface for the brief item mapper, which maps from the complete SobekCM item object to the BriefItemInfo object used by the front end

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )