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Code Details >> Core >> MemoryMgmt Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Core.MemoryMgmt Namespace

Contains the cached data manager and methods for clearing the cache (or caching server) as well as retrieving and storing objects.


Public classAdoNetFastSerializerSurrogate
An ISurrogateSelector implementation which looks for supported ADO.Net serializable types (DataSet and DataTable) and returns itself as an ISerializationSurrogate which can serialize those objects using Fast Serialization.
Public classAdoNetHelper
Contains static helper methods for ADO.Net objects including Fast Serialization
Public classCachedDataManager
Static class manages the local and distributed caches and handles all requests for object retrieval and object storing
Public classCachedDataManager_AggregationServices
Aggregation-related services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows aggregation objects, and closely related objects, to be cached locally for reuse
Public classCachedDataManager_BuilderServices
Builder-specific services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows items to be cached, or portions of items and REST reponses related to items to be cached
Public classCachedDataManager_ItemServices
Item-specific services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows items to be cached, or portions of items and REST reponses related to items to be cached
Public classCachedDataManager_Settings
Settings for the cached data manager, relating to retention of objects
Public classCachedDataManager_WebContentServices
Web content related services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows top-level static web content objects, and closely related objects, to be cached locally for resuse
Public classCachedDataManager_WebSkinServices
Web skin-related services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows skin objects to be cached locally for reuse
Public classOptimizationException
Exception thrown when a value being optimized does not meet the required criteria for optimization.
Public classSerializationReader
A SerializationReader instance is used to read stored values and objects from a byte array. Once an instance is created, use the various methods to read the required data. The data read MUST be exactly the same type and in the same order as it was written.
Public classSerializationWriter
A SerializationWriter instance is used to store values and objects in a byte array. Once an instance is created, use the various methods to store the required data. ToArray() will return a byte[] containing all of the data required for deserialization. This can be stored in the SerializationInfo parameter in an ISerializable.GetObjectData() method.

As an alternative to ToArray(), if you want to apply some post-processing to the serialized bytes, such as compression, call AppendTokenTables first to ensure that the string and object token tables are appended to the stream, and then cast BaseStream to MemoryStream. You can then access the MemoryStream's internal buffer as follows:


 Copy imageCopy
MemoryStream stream = (MemoryStream) writer.BaseStream;
   serializedData = MiniLZO.Compress(stream.GetBuffer(), (int) stream.Length);


Public structureCached_Object_Info
Stored basic information about a cached object


Public interfaceIModifiedTypedDataSet
Marker interface to signify that although the item is a Typed DataSet, it should be serialized as a plain DataSet since additional tables or columns may have been added to its schema
Public interfaceIOwnedDataSerializable
Allows a class to save/retrieve their internal data to/from an existing SerializationWriter/SerializationReader.
Public interfaceIOwnedDataSerializableAndRecreatable
Allows a class to specify that it can be recreated during deserialization using a default constructor and then calling DeserializeOwnedData()


Protected enumerationSerializedType
Stores information about a type or type/value. Internal use only.

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )