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Code Details >> Core >> MemoryMgmt >> CachedDataManager_ItemServices

CachedDataManager_ItemServices Class

Item-specific services for the Cached Data Manager, which allows items to be cached, or portions of items and REST reponses related to items to be cached

Namespace: SobekCM.Core.MemoryMgmt
Assembly: SobekCM_Core (in SobekCM_Core.dll) Version: (


public class CachedDataManager_ItemServices

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodCachedDataManager_ItemServices
Constructor for a new instance of the CachedDataManager_ItemServices class.


Public methodRemove_Digital_Resource_Object(String, String, Custom_Tracer)
Removes a global digital resource object from the cache , it it exists
Public methodRemove_Digital_Resource_Object(Int32, String, String, Custom_Tracer)
Removes a user-specific digital resource object from the cache , it it exists
Public methodRemove_Digital_Resource_Objects
Removes all digital resource objects from the cache , for a given BibID
Public methodRemove_Items_In_Title
Removes the list of items for a single bibid to the cache
Public methodRetrieve_Brief_Digital_Resource_Object
Retrieves the brief (transfer) digital resource object from the cache
Public methodRetrieve_Digital_Resource_Object(String, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves the title-level object from the cache
Public methodRetrieve_Digital_Resource_Object(String, String, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves a global digital resource object from the cache
Public methodRetrieve_Digital_Resource_Object(Int32, String, String, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves a user-specific digital resource object from the cache
Public methodRetrieve_EAD_Info
Retrieves the EAD information related to a digital resource
Public methodRetrieve_Items_In_Title
Retrieves the list of items for a single bibid from the cache
Public methodRetrieve_MARC_Record
Retrieves the MARC record object related to a digital resource
Public methodStore_Brief_Digital_Resource_Object
Store a brief (transfer) digital resource object on the cache
Public methodStore_Digital_Resource_Object(String, SobekCM_Item, Custom_Tracer)
Stores the title-level digital resource object on the cache
Public methodStore_Digital_Resource_Object(String, String, SobekCM_Item, Custom_Tracer)
Store a global digital resource object on the cache
Public methodStore_Digital_Resource_Object(Int32, String, String, SobekCM_Item, Custom_Tracer)
Store a user-specific digital resource object on the cache
Public methodStore_EAD_Info
Store the EAD information related to a digital resource on the cache
Public methodStore_Items_In_Title
Stores the list of items for a single bibid to the cache
Public methodStore_MARC_Record
Store the MARC record object related to a digital resource on the cache

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )